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sunshine and fresh tracks

FRANCE | Tuesday, 5 February 2008 | Views [619]

drew, down the old bob-sled track

drew, down the old bob-sled track

we got a 30cm dump of lovely light soft powder so left the chalet at 9.45am (a first) and caught up with natalie, bev and steve to be on the 7th and 9th chair of the crozats lift when it opened. got fresh tracks down into the valley then went on to do the plan bois run befor lunch. After lunch we dropped down through the trees to the old bob sled track. this is a beautiful run through the trees along the old bob sled track and down the fields to la roche.....fresh powder, snow laden fir trees, blue skies and sunshine and total silence execpt for our laughter as we negotiated the trees.....now i know why they invented skiing!

Tags: mountains



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