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Uganda be kidding A detailed account of my experiences and travels through the thicket of malaria education and else.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "Misadventures".


UGANDA | Saturday, 30 Jun 2007 | Views [758]

A tremor. A shaking in a storm of rain and mud and lightning. In my banda, one of us thinks this shimmy shake is a Giant, pushing the walls from outside. But that's absurd! One of us thinks this is it. The end of the world. The impending apocalypse has ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Week One

UGANDA | Sunday, 10 Jun 2007 | Views [493]

I have been back in Jinja for a week now and things are slow but steady. My cousin arrives today, no doubt making my slightly dull week seem like a distant dream. I will be busy, from what i can gather. So far, I have met a bunch of cool people...after ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

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