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Canada Trip Life is what you make it, so make chocolate cake :)

IGA Whistler

CANADA | Saturday, 26 September 2009 | Views [443] | Comments [1]

This is it, Chantelle is working full time again!! its finally nice to be earning more than im spending... only just... but makes you apprecite the finer things in life once more. I am still under the watchful eye of my head Cashier, Christian... awesome guy and very knowledgable. But given about another one or 2 shifts I will prolly be on my own yay.
I am was going to have spaghetti bolognaise for tea tonight but will do that tomorrow night, I had the last of my curry tonight. I am going to go Snow gear shopping tomorrow... an expense that will be well worth my money spent... about $500 later but not going to go to waste thats for sure. I have been given the insight on how the numbers all work and what I should be looking for in the gear thanks to Heath who is a house mate and work mate. All have been real helpful.
I am going to Vancouver next sunday night for an ice hockey game and to catch up with Dave and Marina again... this is my last planned trip down to Vancouver, prolly till Christmas, if I can get the time off work to go down will be cool to spend it with my *adopted family* but the ice hockey wow I cant wait will be such a treat to go see a game... :)
I am enjoying the very last of the warm weather now, we are due for a week of cooler weather and aparently some rain... but with the forecast they got it completly wrong today. So I go day by day with the weather. Take it as it comes lol... I always have my beanie *tuke* in my bag and a neck warmer, just incase of a weird sudden change in weather...
I am also trying to plan some of next summer, I might try go east for a week, hit up New York and Toronto... also the Niagra Falls... all in good time but thats the plan... need to save some money for it...
I have a bike! a form of transport for a few weeks at least, wont be any good in the snow... too slippery and stuff, but come next summer will be good to use... but still can use it now until the snow comes.
Well signing out for about a week, maybe a little longer, I have a busy week coming up going to Vancouver and all...
Love to all xx




You are doing excellently! Wow Chantelle, there are kids your age who would kill to be having an adventure like this.

Err.. is Christian married? LOL!

Don't forget to report back on the game if you go and have you got a bell or a horn on the bike? Hope its a horn, you can imagine you are blowing the old MH trumpet when you use it :)

Did you know we had an earthquake here on the edge of the Peninsula? Its been another hectic week for me, too many visitors and another bout of computer troubles. Most of the time its been torrential rain and icy winds. Poor old Mike gets back from Syria in a week or two, he'll freeze his arse off back here for sure.

We are all saving like mad in MH because Ronza is coming in October and also the opening of Dracano and probably a new trap or blueprints to buy. Your extra gold you sent came at a very good time for me as I'm not earning much in the Isles at all. Some people say that Derr is good for gold but I find the place a nightmare and it sucks up SB+ like a vacuum cleaner.

Lovely photo of you in your uniform, you look happy and healthy so I guess all your Adelaide lurgy's have been left behind. Keep on enjoying yourself, keep safe and keep up the log when you have the time, its great fun seeing and reading your progress out in Canada.

Luv ya,

Lori xx

  Lori Sep 29, 2009 9:11 PM

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