Today was "Chantelle Goes To Wal*Mart Day" I wasnt quite sure what to expect going there, but I was amazingly suprised when I walked in! I got a trolly given to me and I was sung Happy Birthday to! not my birthday, but it was Wal*mart's birthday and I was given a catalogue and let free in the ultimate Cheap Shop in the area. I bought a few things to make my room a little more MY room :)
I bought a Blanket and Pillow, the blanket for the warmth, and the pillow to help my sore back and neck recover from the last few weeks of carrying my life around on my shoulders, all 30 odd Kilos of it. *I miss you Kim*
I bought an Ipod docking Alarm clock thing, for the obvious reason for listening to my music and also the whole alarm clock thing too :) it is pretty cool :)
I bought a closet organiser, it hangs in my closet to give me 6 shelves to put my clothes in. I dont have a set of draws yet, and it may be a little while before I get some and I dont really want to be living out of my bag... not anymore.
I bought a washing basket and a bath towel because the bath towels we are given are like the little white ones we get in hotels and what not. so I bought a nice big one like the one I had at home.
I bought a big juice 3L for $4.77 this is the cheapest ive seen in the entire time ive been in Vancouver/Whistler. I also got a 12 pack of coke cans for $3.68 again I have not seen it in ages, and I thought that it would save me buying the ones from work for now.
I have a pair of Jeans, not just any Jeans but Lee Riders, wanna guess the price?? $25!! yeah I know cheap hey, and a $9 top to wear.
Wal*Mart is in a town called Squamish, which is about an hour drive from Whistler, back towards Vancouver, very pretty little place, has mountains surrounding it and rock faces and so on. They have got a heap of places that dont happen up here, and for a $20 return ticket, you can explore there for the whole day, I might do that more next time I am there.
We had a light dusting of snow up on the peaks over the last couple nights, not enough to hang around all day because it has been so warm during the day it all melts off by lunch time, but it is a reminder that *YAY* the snow is coming.
I Locked myself out of home last night, definatley not an awesome experience, and one that I wont forget and will definatley not do again in a hurry... it was FREEZING cold and I only had a hoodie and jeans on... funny now that I look at it, but definatley not funny at the time. Once inside I warmed up pretty quick, I had a hot shower and some dinner, but yeah... NEVER leaving my keys behind again!
Work is sweet, kinda brain numbing learning about 200 codes and the difference between all the veggies and the bakery, then on top of all that learning the Canadian and US cash... but will get there eventually :) also I hav met a heap of new people from work and hangin out.
Tonight and tomorrow is rest for me, time to catch up with myself. Might go for a stroll into the village and do some food shopping, cos well I might go hungry without the food pretty soon.