I've arrived all in one piece! Although, I must admit. It still feels as though my body has arrived but the rest of me is still in Cape Town. I had such an unexpected and amazing time in Cape Town that my heart is still very much there. And I suppose, a part of me still longs for the familiarity of home.
My trip went smoothly starting with an open seat next to me on the plan allowing for some much appreciated sleep. Immigration was a breeze with only two questions asked. Are you moving to the UK? Is this address a friend or family? One stamp later and I was in. It feels like its been ongoing activity since then, meeting new people and getting the layout of the land. I visited the final night of the evening school last night although by then my eyes were looking rather droopy. Yesterday was my first introduction to an english country lane. Its barely wide enough to fit a small car. And what's more....its a two way road!!! On a few occations we had to reverse into a little opening so the other car could pass - not that anyone drives slowly either. Its head on collision country! And this is the main access to New Ash Green. A heart stopping experience. Its also my first real village experience. Everyone talks about the village - which consists of a baker, convenience store, chinese restuarant, a post office, one bank and a book store. That's pretty much it. Its all within 5 minutes walking distance from where I'm staying. The church offices are above the only bank in the village so its all very villagy and close together. I still have no cell number. The sim card I ordered has not arrived. I'll have to find my way to the apparently well known Bluewater shopping mall to get hold of one. But I managed to get a normal bank account. One advantage of living in a village and working upstairs from the bank - everyone knows everone. New terminology: to go into town means to go to London; half five is half past five :-)