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Captain Yeller's Treasure Book.

Trip: 15 weeks of Freedom.

There are [22] stories from my trip: 15 weeks of Freedom.

The twenty second episode: Hue.

VIETNAM | Sunday, 26 Jun 2016 | Views [392]

The bus I booked arrived around noon to pick me up to my next destination, Hue. This became my first experience with a sleeper bus even when this was during daytime. I must say this wasnt the best experience. Its a bus with beds instead of seats and ... Read more >

The twenty first episode: Hoi An.

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 22 Jun 2016 | Views [390]

The plan to continue the trip was ment to be by train from Ho Chi Minh to Da Nang and further to Hoi An. Since my stomach felt really bad and I had to run to the toilet quite a lot of times I changed plans and booked a flight from Saigon Airport to Da ... Read more >

The twentieth episode: Ho Chi Minh / Saigon.

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016 | Views [264]

Around 7 in the morning a minivan picked me up at the hostel and drove me to the bus station. They forgot to add my seatnumber to my ticket so I had to get in the office and get that sorted, it took about 5 minutes. I once again traveled with GiantIbis, ... Read more >

The nineteenth episode: The Killing Fields and S21 Prison, Phnom Penh.

CAMBODIA | Friday, 17 Jun 2016 | Views [372]

The Siem Reap and Angkor Wat experience was much better then I expected. My next stop would be Phnom Penh, the notorious capital of Cambodia. If you read about this city online, it seems like the worst city in South East Asia. I didn't really look forward ... Read more >

The eightteenth episode: Angkor Wat & Jungle Temples, Siem Reap.

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 15 Jun 2016 | Views [359]

Lets start this day with waking up early, have a shower and breakfast and wait for my next booked trip. While waiting I had time to say goodbye to the people from yesterdays tour and the hostel I stayed. After they left, the tour company picked me up.... Read more >

The seventeenth episode: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap.

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 11 Jun 2016 | Views [419]

The last night I spend in Thailand was my worst until now, I don't really know why but when I went to bed I woke up an hour later, my pillow completly under sweat but seems only my head and neck hd been sweating. The rest of my body did not. My body ... Read more >

The sixteenth episode: Krabi.

THAILAND | Friday, 3 Jun 2016 | Views [327]

A smooth flight took me from Bangkok to Krabi, a very small airport but with good public service. I bought myself a ticket and 30 minutes later the airport shuttle bus drove me to Krabi. I stayed in this super nice hostel called "Hogwarts". A Harry Potter ... Read more >

The fifteenth episode: Return to Bangkok.

THAILAND | Thursday, 2 Jun 2016 | Views [385]

Early in the morning out of bed, get a free ride to the bus station and after a little wait I leave this wonderful place that Sukhothai is behind. 6 hours to Bangkok with a free meal included. I wasn't sure if I would write this Bangkok episode but doing ... Read more >

The fourteenth episode: Sukhothai.

THAILAND | Monday, 30 May 2016 | Views [320]

Before I start this story, after some talks with a german guy he introduced me to the GRAB app. This is some sort of Asian app like uber for taxis, cars and bikes. I did not used it yet but checked it out and it seems a very handy app. In case you travel ... Read more >

The thirteenth episode: Soppong.

THAILAND | Thursday, 26 May 2016 | Views [359]

Far far away from mass tourism in the north of Thailand you have a little village called Soppong. I stayed here for 3 nights and have only seen 10 other tourists and my home for a few days was called Little Eden Guesthouse. Well it didn't steal its name.... Read more >

The twelfth episode: Pai.

THAILAND | Saturday, 21 May 2016 | Views [327]

I noticed I forgot to tell you how I got to the Golden Triangle tour. I left Elephantsworld and went back to my hostel in Kanchanaburi, I spend the night there nd woke up early to walk to the bus station. I took the bus to Chiang Mai. There are 2 options, ... Read more >

The eleventh episode: The Golden Triangle.

LAOS | Friday, 20 May 2016 | Views [446]

This day started early as usual and I booked another tour. They picked me up with some other people as well. The tourguides name Gong but we could call her Gongster and the driver, her brother was Jack and we could call him Jack Sparrow. We drove about ... Read more >

The tenth episode: Elephantsworld.

THAILAND | Wednesday, 18 May 2016 | Views [336]

What you need to know in front is that when I planned my world trip I really wanted to get close to an elephant. My dream was to ride on one thru the jungle. Little did I know that this is very bad for the elephants. I'm not going into full detail, you ... Read more >

The nineth episode: Kanchanaburi.

THAILAND | Monday, 16 May 2016 | Views [355]

Waking up early as usual for another special day. I booked a tour who picked me up at my hostel in the morning. Little later a local guide joined me and we drove off to other hostels to pick up people. An older couple who I shared the minibus from Ayutthaya ... Read more >

The eighth episode: Ayutthaya.

THAILAND | Wednesday, 11 May 2016 | Views [392]

Since I ended at the trainstation in Bangkok, lets continue there, wikitravel said around 250 baht for a second class ticket from Bangkok to Ayutthaya, a 3th class would be even cheaper but hard to get since they only wanna sell those to locals. I experienced ... Read more >

The seventh episode: Bangkok.

THAILAND | Tuesday, 10 May 2016 | Views [531]

Leaving Egypt behind with a smile, it was time for my next destination. Wake up early again, got picked up by my driver to the airport of Aswan. Everything went smooth and about one hour later I arrived in Cairo. I had to change Terminals, as soon as ... Read more >

The sixth episode: The Nilecruise: Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Aswan & Abu Simbel.

EGYPT | Saturday, 7 May 2016 | Views [354]

Arrived in Luxor, probably the biggest open air museum in the world. Here was also a driver waiting for me. I arrived quite late in a beautiful hotel with a pool looking over the Nile, sadly enough I did not hve the time to enjoy that pool. I went down ... Read more >

The fifth episode: The Pyramids of Cairo.

EGYPT | Tuesday, 3 May 2016 | Views [444]

When I arrived in Cairo someone was waiting for me at the airport to arrenge my visa and drive me to my hotel. For traveling in Egypt I work with Kingfisher Tours. This is a local agency owned by Miriam, a woman from The Netherlands, living in Egypt ... Read more >

The fourth episode: The roman city of Jerash.

JORDAN | Sunday, 1 May 2016 | Views [480]

Another early morning, good breakfast and ready for an awesome day, visiting the reason why I picked Jordan as a location: Jerash. A big ruined roman city in a very good state. I needed to get to Tarambour, the north bus station. In Jordan you have all ... Read more >

Tags: amman, ancient city, jerash, jordan, middle east, travel, world trip

The third episode: Kerak Castle & Amman.

JORDAN | Friday, 29 Apr 2016 | Views [336]

After a wonderful time in Petra which was much nicer then I could even expect its time to leave Wadi Musa. My original plan was to go directly to Amman and have a chill out day, food and relax but in the hotel I noticed a way to take a bus to Kerak Castle ... Read more >

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