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Blogging Through My Bucket List Most travel is best of all in the anticipation or the remembering; the reality has more to do with losing your luggage. ~Regina Nadelson


There are [57] photos and [13] stories about Argentina

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When I Don’t Have Time, I Creep the Locals!

Wednesday, 13 Apr 2011 | Views [1000] | Comments [1]

Spending less than 2 weeks in a city while working or in my case, taking Spanish lessons means you don’t have a lot of time to explore. I’ve done a bit of traveling and have found a few good ways to make the most of my time, hopefully ... Read more >

Tags: short holiday, travel

Alta Gracia; Good for Asthma

Friday, 8 Apr 2011 | Views [1640]

Day Trip! Week one in Córdoba is over and since I only have one weekend here, I wanted to make the most of it and venture to one of the nearby cities. There are lots of places around Córdoba where you can do pretty much anything outdoorsy; horseback ... Read more >

Tags: alta gracia, argentina, che guevara, travel


Monday, 4 Apr 2011 | Views [1623] | Comments [1]

For 2 weeks in Buenos Aires I stayed in an apartment with about 8 other Spanish students from around the world. I loved meeting new people, listening to people speaking Portugese, Dutch, Serbian, and German and hearing about the differences ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, córdoba, host family, travel

Iguazu Falls: Day 2

Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011 | Views [1648]

Day 2 in Iguazu and I’m finally going to see the falls! Rated in ANY guidebook as one of the top 10 waterfalls in the world and formerly in the running for the newly elected “modern 7 Wonders of the World,” Iguazu does not disappoint. In my opinion, ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, iguazu falls, travel

What to Do at Iguazu...When You're an American

Tuesday, 22 Mar 2011 | Views [1365] | Video

Brazil rejected me. No nice words, no attempt to make it work, just a solid rejection. Arriving in Iguazu during the holiday weekend means if you don’t plan beforehand and you are American, Canadian, Australian or Japanese, you are not ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, iguazu falls, travel

How to Make a Bus Trip Memorable

Monday, 21 Mar 2011 | Views [1030] | Video

Leaving Buenos Aires was tough; the city is massive and I could have easily spent another 2 weeks exploring it and trying to get to everything I wanted. I had heard about Iguazu Falls from my roommates who went and highly recommended it so when I ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bus trip, embarrassing, iguazu falls

Sunday in San Telmo

Monday, 28 Feb 2011 | Views [1136] | Video

Sundays in Buenos Aires paint a stark contrast of activities, or lack thereof: while stores open late or not at all and unlike the rest of the week, the streets are quiet and empty, the markets of the city are packed to capacity. It's like the entire ... Read more >

Tags: buenos aires, san telmo market, shopping

Exploring Recoleta and Envying the Dead

Sunday, 27 Feb 2011 | Views [1173] | Video

Friday! Although not nearly as exciting to state as it usually is (I love Spanish classes, even though by the video, I have lots to work on!) it was still nice to know I had the whole weekend to do whatever I wanted. With no tango class on Fridays, ... Read more >

Tags: buenos aires, cafe tortoni, caitie goddard, cementario de recoleta, travel

Am I an Artist?

Sunday, 27 Feb 2011 | Views [878]

After an amazing day at the cemetery (that sounds so strange but my last post hopefully shows WHY it was so amazing!) I decided to visit the Centro Cultural Recoleta, an exhibition and cultural events center which also houses sculptures, paintings ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, art, buenos aires, centro cultural recoleta

The Ideal Night to Hit the City is...Wednesday?

Thursday, 24 Feb 2011 | Views [1330] | Comments [2]

The week is flying by and it's already Thursday! I had my first nightlife experience in BA and went to the amazing restaurant/bar, Milion (check out the website and turn up your speakers, the site has some amazing music! I'm actually listening to ... Read more >

Tags: bar, buenos aires, cocktail, milion, orphanage, spanish, travel

The Key to a Feminine Tango: A Good Headroll

Wednesday, 23 Feb 2011 | Views [1330] | Comments [4] | Video

It's already day 2 of classes and I'm loving it; I'm regaining confidence with my spanish although still really struggling with the accent! I'm in a class with 2 Brazilians and 2 Dutch students and love hearing more about totally different parts ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, la boca, spanish, tango, travel

Photos: Buenos Aires!

Wednesday, 23 Feb 2011 | Photo Gallery

After winning the trip of a lifetime from World Nomads, Airtreks, and GoLearnTo.com, I'm spending 2 weeks in Argentina taking tango class and spanish lessons and disfrutando mi vida!
See all 57 photos >>

Tags: airtreks, argentina, buenos aires, golearnto.com, la boca, terrifying traveling tales

First Day in Buenos Aires; Vamos!

Monday, 21 Feb 2011 | Views [1170] | Comments [1] | Video

I promised to write a blog of my trip to Argentina but haven't started because in all honesty, I had a hard time believing I was really going! Winning the World Nomads 'Terrifying Travel Tales' competition was unreal. I had this thought in the back ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, jazz, music, travel



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