Day 10 - Final day at Sunrise
CAMBODIA | Saturday, 14 November 2009 | Views [793]
this morning we started with a blessing from the monks. We went to a temple. None of us really knew what was in store for us. We were given incense that was lit and presented it to buddha under that massive statue. We then sat crossed legged on a mat and waited for the monks. They came out wearing the traditional orange/mustard colour. There was one really old one, one that was probably in his 50's and the other 3 were quite young ones - in their 20's. they had a big bowl that was filled with flowers and another filled with water.
we sat cross legged with hands in prayer position. The monks began chanting and then started throwing water on us. I felt like i was being blessed. There was only one time where i had to gold back a giggle because as they tossed the water over us, i had to close my eyes so the water didn't go in. They also tossed flowers on us. It smelt lovely. They continued chanting for ages. It was quite hypnotic and i wondered if i could get a cd of this chanting to listen to.
Nak took photos of us while this was happening. When the chanting finished they tied read string around our left wrists. Nak had his tied on his right hand because he is a man. These red cotton thread was a symbol of our blessing of prosperity and happiness.
A couple of really old lady monks were there too. They were fascinated with the bigger girls arms.
After the blessing, we went to Sunrise for our last day with the kids. First we stopped by Geraldine's house for the tour. she lives in a beautiful house that was donated by the government. It is a house on stilts and is surrounded by water. Its a very serene place. The back verandah had a nice cool breeze.
I absolutely love the interior. Hot pink bed covers, exactly what you would expect of Geraldine. The main room is decorated with orange lounges, and orange everything. Its all very tastefully orange. I took some photos as it really inspired me to create a beautiful place like this.
We were ready for when the kids came home from school. Nam came straight to me in her uniform. I can't believe how quickly we formed a bond and I'm really going to miss her.
Each business chick had been given 6 or 7 kids to buy presents for. Today was the day we would give them out. It was total chaos when we did this after lunch in the dining room. the kids were so excited and so were we. When i gave my presents out, the kids ran off with their presents. I didn't see them open them. Most of them had taken off to their room and hidden their stash of goodies in the locker underneath their bed.
One of the older girls came to thank me. She is 16 years old and calls herself Nith, although her full name is Pak Putheanith. She invited me to hang out in their newly painted pink room. I met a few of the older girls. Nith wants to be an accountant. One of the other girls wants to be a rock star. She looked the part too.
When i gave the presents out, i was left with one. It was for the 4 year old boy with cerebral palsy. I didn't know what to do. I knew that the presents i bought, colouring pencils and paper, he would not be able to use.
I asked other girls who had spare presents if they had anything suitable. They didn't. so i just made the decision to give it to him anyway.
I thought maybe Vuthy would like the fact that someone gave him a present, even if he couldn't use it. I took it to him. His carer was there and she unwrapped it for him and showed him, telling him what was happening.
I don't know much about kids with cerebral palsy. He is so tiny and looks like a 2 year old. He looked trapped in his body. He had the biggest eyes and the longest eye lashes i have ever seen. I couldn't imagine what life is like for him.
The carer took him out of his cot and placed him on the floor. I sat on the ground and talked to him and held his hand. His carer prepared some baby food mush to feed him. She must have so much patience to look after him. He needs someone to look after him constantly. When she was feeding him, she had to grab a hold of his hand as it automatically clenched tight and went up to his throat. she had to hold it down so she could feed him. He is fully aware as he did stretch his arm out. I could see he got quite frustrated. I had to hold back tears but i think he could see it in my eyes. He kept looking at me. Nam came in too and sat with me and Vuthy.
Our next activity was making get well cards for Geraldine. The kids were really creative with their cards. It was so amazing to watch them draw and really be creative. On the day that we met Geraldine, i gave her a present too. It was two long beaded necklaces one brown/orange and another green. Both colours i learnt she loved. She loved that present, and ran to the bus waving at me saying thank you and that she loved them. They really suited her. I hope that her operation goes well. She told us that she was going to paint up her boobs before the operation and have photos taken of them before they are removed. What a brave woman.
I took photos of some of the kids creation. I hung out with Nam for the rest of the day. We were in the office. She showed me her photo on the office wall. Then she pointed out that she has two older sisters and a young brother that also live at Sunrise. Suddenly i felt differently. I really thought this little girl had no-one. I don't know what happened to their family, but it must be pretty serious for all 4 of them to be living at Sunrise.
Although, when i was giving out presents, Nam was hanging around me. One of the carers pointed to her and then pointed to herself as if to say that she is mine. that was quite confusing. I'd like to find out what the story is. Nam introduced me to her two older sisters. Apparently her younger brother, Sola was in hospital with an ear infection. Nakry, one of her sisters couldn't stop hugging me when it was time to go. It was as if Nam had told her about me and she was thankful for me being there too.
When it was time to say goodbye i got a bit teary. I just had to get on the bus. All the kids came to see us off and waved at the bus. they are all so gorgeous. I would like to help more especially knowing that Nam's family are all there. Nam's sister gave me a beaded ring that she had on her finger and she tied a pink ribbon around my wrist. I thought this was lovely. Nam also gave me her ring, but this made me cry a little. I gave it back to her because i didn't want to take anything from her. I knew that this meant she was thankful for the time we had spent together.
I didn't get to say goodbye to little Sarim. I couldn't find him. Soon we were driving away from Sunrise. Its hard to believe its all over for now.
The afternoon we had some free time again. Vicky and I had a bite to eat at Happy Herbs Pizza. Then went to the FCC again for a few drinks. We met up with Sabine and KA. Sabine retired for the night and then Vicky and I took KA back to the pizza place. Our days were so full and busy. I got back to the room and flopped on the bed and fell asleep as Mavis was talking to me. Sorry Mavis.
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