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Slovenia - Lake Bled

SLOVENIA | Sunday, 2 December 2007 | Views [1626] | Comments [5]

Day 1 - left Zagreb this morning in a rush, again. I went out last night trying to catch some local live music, failed. But ended up having a great one anyway. Wound up at the bar downstairs from the Hostel, chatting with the owner late into the night sampling his homemade liquires, strong stuff ! It was really nice to really talk with a local, stories about the war & the breakup of Yugoslavia.

Arrived in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, around 12.00 today & decided to head straight to Lake Bled, only an hour bus ride away. Ever since Steve showed me his photos of this place I've wanted to see it for myself. DONE :-)

I'd almost walked the entire way around the lake taking lots of photos & video footage looking for where the little boats row over to St Mary's Church located on the island in the middle of the lake. I came across 2 boats headed for the shore & waited to ask the "Captain" (the guy rowing the boat) if I could get a lift over ? He said he only did tour groups, but using the very same charm I'd used at the lakes a couple of days ago he agreed.... & off went went :-)

Arriving on the island I realised I was once again the only visitor there, I've been so lucky ! I took a few shots & rang the bell, as is the tradition, made my wish & headed back down the 99 steps to the boat.

I sat on the lakes edge to watch the sun set slowly behind the Alps, reflecting on another incledible day on the other side of the world :-)

Tags: Adventures



Hey Dude,
This blog thing is great, like everyone else, i log on each day to read your adventures. We're both so happy to see you having such a great time.
OK, He're my tips for Bled.
There is an awsome "Tobogan" ride down the side of the mountain. It runs on a rail so you can't come off and you decide how fast to go by way of a brake. Maybe not your thing, but was total adrenalin rush :).

The caslte costs $$ to get in until 6pm when you can enjoy it for the cost of a beer as it becomes a bar.

The're an awsome walk along a timber walk way through Vitgar Gorge. At the top of the Gorge is a Cafe Restraunt that serves the best "Gibenica" (traditional Slovenian desert),it's a must !
The best way we found to get around was by bike, we hired pushies where we stayed "Camp Bled" on same side of lake as you photo's show but i'm sure there was a place heading up main street away from lake on the right also.
The caves i was trying to get you to see was POSTOJNA CAVE and the nearby castle in the cliff face called PREDJAMA CASTLE. I just looked it up online and it seems to be open this time of year, check the link,
Take care,

Steve & Sarah

  The Mc's Dec 2, 2007 10:02 AM


Hi bro! We're back from kingcliff - just caught up with your very different holiday over there! Great stories and pictures.
Got a picture of Kingscliff here: http://travelling-elephant.blogspot.com
(trying both blogger and this world nomads journal)

  bc Dec 2, 2007 11:38 AM


Bet Lake Bled was all you expected, seems like plenty to do in this area, still some autumn colours around too. We will now be going to the internet cafe in the Kingscliff bookshop as from tomorrow to keep up with your travels.
Love Mum and Dad.

  Mum and Dad Dec 2, 2007 7:18 PM


andrew i was reading this thinking how romantic it sounds, the ringing of the bell, the sun setting, it made me wish i could share that experience. keep the entries as graphic as you can. i am loving the images in my head.

always lynley

  lynley andrews Dec 3, 2007 9:37 AM


How beautiful. They are magnificient. Thanks for letting us live your time over there.

Miss you heaps

  Fiona Churchward Dec 3, 2007 7:11 PM



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