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Trip: 40 days and nights: Adventures in Spanish Immersion

There are [15] stories from my trip: 40 days and nights: Adventures in Spanish Immersion

Wrap up of 5 amazing weeks: advice on traveling in Mexico

MEXICO | Friday, 5 Feb 2010 | Views [845] | Comments [3]

So this is it.  I should be in Mexico City today (although I've started calling it DF like everyone else) but at 7:00 AM this morning in the Zocalo, watching the world come to life around me, it was hard to remember why. I have to pick up my bag.  I'd ... Read more >

Tags: travel advice

Photos: Huatulco

MEXICO | Thursday, 4 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

Snorkeling, Tortugas, & Crocs.
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Huatulco: Snorkeling, Beaches, Tortugas, y Crocodilos!

MEXICO | Thursday, 4 Feb 2010 | Views [2164] | Comments [5]

So I'm inspired to write tonight because of three things:   The trip is rolling down - I leave for Mexico City tomorrow, for a Sunday departure to Canada. I finally learned to snorkel! I saw today the funniest menu translation I've ever seen. ... Read more >

Tags: beaches

The end of Puebla, and the beginning of Hautulco.

MEXICO | Monday, 1 Feb 2010 | Views [966] | Comments [5]

I know that there are bad things going on in the world.  Haiti, and more recently Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail.  With that said, it is hard to describe how good I feel, and how much I appreciate this adventure. Yesterday was not a good day.  The ... Read more >

Photos: Mexico City & Teotihuacan

MEXICO | Sunday, 24 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 36 photos >>

El fin de semana: Puebla, Week 3

CANADA | Sunday, 24 Jan 2010 | Views [624] | Comments [2]

It seems that I am caught in a very strange time warp.  First, I can't believe I have only been here three weeks - it feels like a lot longer than that.  Not that I am bored - anything but - it's just that I am very comfortable in my routine, meet and ... Read more >

El fin de semana: Puebla, Week 2

MEXICO | Sunday, 17 Jan 2010 | Views [738] | Comments [1]

For anyone interested, this style of travel really is interesting.  Maybe I'm a little slow, but it only started to sink in last night that I am not really on a holiday - I am actually living in Mexico, with a schedule to keep, with work to do, fully ... Read more >

Photos: Nutcracker and Las Luchas

MEXICO | Thursday, 14 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

Quite the mix of culture!
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Nutcracker, Las Luchas and an unexpected (and undesired) day off.

MEXICO | Thursday, 14 Jan 2010 | Views [635] | Comments [1]

Well, it had to happen eventually. After 13 days on the road, with different food than I'm used to, with fairly constant stress living in a different culture and operating in a different language, and with a daily struggle to stay warm, my body finally ... Read more >

Puebla Week 1: El dia de Tres Reyes, Churches, and Pyramids

MEXICO | Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010 | Views [992] | Comments [3]

Ok, ok, it's been a little while since an update, and then all I managed to do yesterday was upload a bunch of pictures with no explanation.  My bad...I'll catch up the best I can now.  (There is an address at the bottom of this that anyone not on Facebook ... Read more >

Photos: Pyramids and churches

MEXICO | Monday, 11 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 39 photos >>

Sipuebla - El instituto espanol

MEXICO | Wednesday, 6 Jan 2010 | Views [1936] | Comments [2]

The Spanish institute I'm attending for the next four weeks is an easy walk from the house of my host family - less than a 10 minute walk if I take my time.   Check in at the school was as expected - orientation, and the requisite signed pledge to ... Read more >

A weekend in Puebla

CANADA | Tuesday, 5 Jan 2010 | Views [600] | Comments [2]

My first night in Puebla, I arrived after dark, and wasn't really interested in doing much exploring after 36 hours of travel. So a beer in the rooftop bar at the NH was in order. After a nap, a little dinner in the restaurant, which was outstanding.... Read more >

Photos: Sunday in Puebla

MEXICO | Tuesday, 5 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

Sites around the Historic section
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40 days and nights: beginning in Puebla, Mexico

CANADA | Sunday, 3 Jan 2010 | Views [784] | Comments [2]

So first, as always, a geography lesson.  Puebla, Mexico is about 2 hours by a very comfortable bus trip south east of Mexico City, between Mexico City and Veracruz.  The city of Puebla is the 4th largest city in Mexico, and sits at an elevation of about ... Read more >