Our last couple of weeks in southern Thailand were filled with both highs and lows...first, the low: after making it over a month without any problems related to food or water, Camille and I both got pretty sick. Camille was only sick for a day, but I remained quite ill for about three days - after the 3rd day, I decided to take Ciprofloxin (an antibiotic we brought with us for this very purpose), and I have now fully recovered. Nonetheless, it was pretty grim and we are both really happy to move forward.
Now to the high: On our last day of climbing in Tonsai, we climbed an excellent five pitch climb called "The Big Wave." It was first climbed in 2004 on the day of the Tsunami, and it was truly amazing. Each of the five pitches of climbing was very high quality and we swapped leads (i.e., I lead pitches 1, 3 and 5, and Camille lead pitches 2 and 4.) The views (like the views on many of the climbs in southern Thailand) were spectacular...we'll post some photos from the climb as soon as possible.
All and all, the first part or our trip was everything we expected - southern Thailand is a great place for a climbing trip and offers plenty of great rest day options (sea kayaking, snorkeling, chillin on beautiful beaches, etc.).
Other than that, not too much to report...we arrived in Bangkok yesterday (see Camille's blog entry) and will be here for a few days before heading to Nepal.