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A chance to dream

Tasmania, a world heritage place

Australia | Monday, July 1, 2013 | 5 photos

Since my childhood days I have had a fascination for nature and wildlife. Since obtaining my first DSLR it has made me more absorbed in wanting to encapsulate what I see in front of me.
I am a self taught photographer, and each time I go to a new scene, or even the zoo, it is a learning experience, and I like to capture behaviour and emotions.
Now that I have finished my zoology degree, my love for wildlife and nature is shown even more in my work. My style of photography is based on simplicity. Whether it be an animal or a landscape I like to show a raw and emotional connection behind it.
After a recent trip to Tasmania, and Cradle Mountain; a world heritage place, I came away with learning to capture the beauty of the essence of cradle mountain, and its surrounds. A beautiful place to visit!
If ever If I am given a chance to work with National Geographic, and a world renowned photographer it would be the perfect way to cap off my academic and self study, and open up a world where I can continue to learn about my two strongest passions. I would be honoured, and relish the opportunity. This would be an incredible learning experience, to understand more what it takes to become a photographer. it would enable me to love my career, and love the rest of what that satisfaction and contentment would bring to the rest of my life.

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