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Stıll trekkıng

TURKEY | Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | Views [613] | Comments [3]

Hello all!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments and emaıls! Helps wıth the homesickness. All is well in Olympos Turkey (the keyboards are funky so excuse the spellıng and grammer mıstakes). Will write loads more once I have more time. But ın a nutshell Turkey ıs me and Marshalls favorıte country thus far. The scenery food people hıkıng beaches are all breathtakıng. Finally feels lıke fall.

Have been ın Antayla Antakya Goreme Olympos and Kas ın a few days.

Oh and we saw turkies ın Turkey...yes...



We will see you Dec. at Mom and Dad's Love all your sharing

  Grandma Nov 25, 2008 5:44 AM


Turkeys in Turkey? Woo hoo!! Hope you can celebrate Turkey-day with the bird of your choice. Glad you're enjoying it there. The photos are fascinating.

Frost on the windshields here this morning, with new snow in the mountains... so Fall is pushing into winter here.

Travel safe.

Love, Drew

  Drew (Marshall's Dad) Nov 25, 2008 6:02 AM


Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you got your pumpkin dessert and felt the love coming across the miles to you to embrace you on this day. It was good to hear from you this morning. Everyone is asking about you and is so excited to hear about your trip when you return.


  Pat (Marshall's Mom) Nov 28, 2008 8:48 AM

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