After nearly 2 days of travel, Marshall and I are finally in Greece! We've been cruising/pedxing the fashionable streets of Athens looking at all the old stuff, stuffing our faces with gyros, and attempting to pet all the feral kitties (kidding--no rabies here). We try to blend and think we kinda do because locals have guessed that we are Spanish or Argentinean (really?). The history is so rich and everywhere, turn a random corner in the city and BOOM, ancient ruin. But after two days of taking in all the beautiful sites (pictures to come as soon as I figure out how to upload them), we be headed off to Patras to soak up the sun.
We are staying with a couchsurfer, which I highly recommend. Not only did we get a free place to stay in the relatively expensive Athens, but a locals perspective of the town. Went to a funky bar last night and had interesting discussions on the vast cultural differences over a couple bottles of ouzo :)
Missing you all!