UPDATE: If you don't understand the rest of this post, don't worry you don't need to do any of it to read the entries. The blog is just a webpage like any other. Just go to it and read it and follow any links to the individual stories in the usual webby way.
OK, I know there's nothing interesting up here yet, but when there is, here's one way to be notified. It'll put an RSS feed on your Google homepage (assuming that you have a Google homepage and know what an RSS feed is - I didn't until a few hours ago).
1. Open the blog (done)
2. Click on the XML button (bottom right)
3. Copy the url of the page that opens.
4. Go to your Google home page.
5. Click on Add stuff >> (top right)
6. Click on Add feed or gadget (bottom left) - (The orange-and-white icon is the rss icon.)
7. Paste the url that you copied earlier into the field with http://.
8. Hit Add.