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Travelling india: the trip with no plans

4 days in Delhi

INDIA | Sunday, 23 May 2010 | Views [328] | Comments [8]

After a hectic first day in Delhi I started to settle in a bit..Life is very different here..The driving is absolutly crazy, being a foreigner here is very strange..on the buses or trains people constantly stare at you..today 3 people asked if they could take a picture of me, one man even wanted my signiture..I gave him a fake one just in case he was up to no good...travelling alone I thought it would be a bit lonely...thats not the case at all, people always want to talk, although many are only after your money..some are legitimatly nice. Im currently staying with an Indian family..they are SO generous..they insisted that I take a bed while their oldest son sleeps on the couch..they treat there visitors with such respect..I find it hard to accept their generosity.. Today on the metro I asked an Indian man for Directions..we ended up becoming friends..he introduced me to his wife and friends and ended up buying me a coffee and giving me his email address..Off to Bhopal tomarrow on the 6 am train



Aww Evan, they wanted ur autograph.. smart move :)
haha god thats mad sounds like ur having fun.
watch out for the sneaks

  Mary May 24, 2010 6:08 AM


Hey Evan, Its great to see your getting on Sooooooo well ... you'l be famous yet! il be seeing pictures of you on billboards and the likes ;)
did you bring the fiddle with you in the end? Show them a bit of ireland!
cant wait for your next Blog :D

  Helen May 26, 2010 5:42 AM


Jesus Evan, all I can find about Bhopal is info about the worst industrial poisoning ever to have happened there from a pesticide plant in 1984.
Hope its much better now!

  Damien May 27, 2010 9:42 PM


Who'd have thought, livin it up in India...fair play man, you're savage! Keep us posted on your shinanagins! =)

  Sarah May 31, 2010 2:52 PM


Aw dude sounds like an adventure already. Glad you got your accommodation sorted man, and it sounds like you landed on your feet with that family. Indian music taken a hold of ya yet??! lookin well in the pics brother. Take care of your self...and remember...you'll always be a Galway feend to me! YEEEEEEEEEEOOOOO!

All the best man. Darren.

  Darren May 31, 2010 7:08 PM


Alrite man you got settled in ok..id say its a completly different world
over there...mind yourself and enjoy it!! chat ya soon bud...

  James R May 31, 2010 11:46 PM


for an american liteweight ur doing good, take care evan, the european

  european May 31, 2010 11:48 PM


Fair fucks ta ya man! sounds like sum buzz over there all rite! better den walkin de streets of galway starin at garry gunga nd nora warts neways!!! keep it real!

  Charles Jun 1, 2010 6:41 PM

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