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ECUADOR | Sunday, 13 November 2011 | Views [437] | Comments [2]

You ever notice how clouds sometimes look like the most comfortable, sleep-for-a-year things of fluffiness? I just feel like prying open the emergency hatch that I've been placed next to on my flight to Quito, jumping onto them Disney or Care Bear style and taking the best kip ever, but I'm sure there are various AA regulations regarding that kind of behavior...not to mention that little thing called human preservation, the will to live, etc. Maybe it has something to do with how utterly exhausted and drained I feel after weeks of planning, drinking cayman bars dry of rum, having eyes that won't stop leaking and saying goodbye to some of the best peeps God put on this earth.

The Disney fluffy-cloud sleep montage is still playing in my brain however...which is far easier to deal with compared to thinking about who I've left behind and when I'll see them next.

I spent the better part of this morning at various Miami Walmarts and Walgreens trying to find a walk in clinic...seems my body is not content to allow me the joy of exhaustion on it's own...I now have a painful sore throat to deal with. The doc I finally found told me "Young lady, you look like you've not slept in days and your body is obviously telling you to slow down. Are you eating properly and drinking enough water?" I queried whether rum counted as H20 or a good food source and she didn't look too impressed - I guess that's a no. I must look pretty worse for wear as she deduced all of this after the first 30 seconds of my consult. I did appreciate the 'young lady' part though...

Just been handed some very official arrival forms...hard to tell exactly what they want me to fill in or where. Might have to ask the very small, quiet and probably non-English speaking couple next to me. They look as though they should be living in a small farming community in the rural areas of Ecuador...ah bless! It's the big thick socks and duffle-style coats that are giving them away...but after looking at them more closely, I'm now concerned that I don't have enough warm clothes on...'how to freeze on arrival in Ecuador' by Rebekah Gibson. This might be my first and last post!

Just had a joke with my couple (well not so much joke...more smiles and nudging regarding the lack of space in cattle class) and it doesn't look as though there will be much English spoken...I'm on my own with the forms then.

Lights have just dimmed and the Inflight movie has ended. Im thinking that's the universes way of saying get some rest...I might oblige.

Hopefully my next post will be a bit more interesting, and less about throats, forms and small Ecuardorian couples!

See you on the flip side!




Nice one Bek. Keeps me interested & off dreaming as I sit in my office on a Monday morning. Living the life girl, sorry, young Lady.

  Paul Nov 14, 2011 8:51 AM


Hope that sore throat wasn't courtesy of me :-( Not the leaving present I wanted to give you!!!

  Jeni Nov 15, 2011 12:31 AM

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