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Trekking Solo: My Adventures Down Under

Photos: SYD-BRIS

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 20 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Sydney Reunion

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 18 May 2013 | Views [354]

May 8-10: Mel to Syd to Cairns (pics to come!)   Sydney bound, I was so excited! I barely slept last night due to being afraid I'd miss my flight, the squeaky beds, and being pumped to see Lucy! I made it downstairs for the shuttle and to ... Read more >

2 Days on the GOR

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 13 May 2013 | Views [675]

May 6-7: Great Ocean Road Days So ladies, if the only reason you're here is to find an Aussie man, you are in terrible luck. We've traveled from Urldunda to Melbourne, even mixing groups, without a single bloke in sight. Squatter has told us that ... Read more >

Photos: GOR 2-3

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 12 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

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National Park Hopping and Motel Luxury

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 11 May 2013 | Views [416]

May 5, 2013:   This is the third or fourth national park we've been to. I'm starting to think that Australia is one big national park. It's quite incredible actually. The PRTM in me is loving all of this and wishing I had written my 60 page ... Read more >

Photos: GOR1

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 11 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Kangaroo Island

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 11 May 2013 | Views [890] | Comments [1]

May 4,2013: May the Fourth be with you from Kangaroo Island!  **Sorry this is so late. I ran out of Internet and had to purchase some more at the store!** Waking up extremely early by choice is kind of a big deal for me, especially on a free ... Read more >

Tags: australia, kangaroo island, koalas, seals

Tuned out and Wined Up: Parachilna to Adelaide

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 5 May 2013 | Views [862]

Post 8:  May 3, 2013   Want to know how to miss out on life and what's going on in the world around you?   Put headphones in your ears and tune out everything and everyone else.  You talk to no one, hear nothing, and ... Read more >

Tags: australia, backpacking, friends, life, travel, wine tasting

Photos: Tour5

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 5 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

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YOTAO: Flinders National Park

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 3 May 2013 | Views [1493]

May 2, 2013: post 7 We voted to wake early this morning after getting a good night's sleep in the Quorn Motel where we didn't have to take a flashlight to find a bathroom! We even had a tv in the room, talk about luxury. Want to know what we ... Read more >

Photos: Tour4

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 3 May 2013 | Photo Gallery

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The Aussi Grand Canyon and My New Friend Squatter

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 1 May 2013 | Views [556]

  April 29-30, 2013   Aussies are some of the most open-minded, easy going people on the planet. It's just their nature to go with the flow and I'm loving it. I think I've heard "No worries, mate!" a hundred times since I've been here.... Read more >

Good Morning Uluru: The Sunrise 10k

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013 | Views [1480]

April 28, 2013   Sleeping in swags under the stars and by the fire was amazing. that's all there is to it! So maybe I opted out of the Cooper River Bridge Run this year, but I sure got my 10k fill today walking around Ayers Rock. We were ... Read more >

Photos: Tour 1

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Middle of Nowhere Never Felt So Cool

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 27 Apr 2013 | Views [540]

April 27, 2013 Trip Post 2: Middle of Nowhere Never Felt So Cool   To this jet-lagged princess,  5AM  came even earlier than it usually would. We realized that the "free breakfast" consisted of bread out on a table that you could ... Read more >

Tags: aussi bbq, flies, jet lagged, kata tjuta, outback, swag, tired, uluru

Flying High: trip post 1 April 24-26

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 26 Apr 2013 | Views [527]

April 24-26, 2013 Trip post 1: Flying High     No, people, get your minds out of the gutter. It's past 4/20 and I'm not trying to re-celebrate or anything. I'm talking about my flights over here. I'm officially "Down Unda" ; I've made ... Read more >

Tags: first class, flights, new friends, packing, travel

Photos: TRIAL

USA | Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013 | Photo Gallery

Pre-trip excitement!
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Trial Run!

USA | Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013 | Views [679]

Checking in here before I start my online check-in for my flight that leaves JAX in T-minus 19 hours!! That's right, friends, I leave tomorrow! I may or may not be still packing. If you know me at all, you already know the answer..  still packing! ... Read more >

Tags: first post, packing, travel, trial

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