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Matt & Ash in the Americas

Photos: Patagonia!

CHILE | Saturday, 6 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

From Mendoza, Argentina down to beautiful Patagonia inc. Torres Del Paine in Chile
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ARGENTINA | Friday, 5 Feb 2010 | Views [529] | Comments [1]

Hey Hey I know it’s been a while, but I will try to be brief (we all know how that has gone in the past). So last you heard we were in Mendoza. We rented bikes for a day and were given a map containing an 11km ride (one-way), 2 delicatessens, ... Read more >


BOLIVIA | Friday, 15 Jan 2010 | Views [567]

Feliz Ano Nuevo! Since we last wrote we have come through Bolivia, a short and horrendously expensive stint into Chile and across into Argentina. I think the last photo album had a couple of pics coming into Bolivia (Lake Titicaca and La Paz) and ... Read more >

Photos: Bolivia and Chile

BOLIVIA | Friday, 15 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Peru Part 2, a little Bolivia

PERU | Saturday, 2 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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From the Andes to the Amazon.

PERU | Tuesday, 29 Dec 2009 | Views [589] | Comments [1]

Hi Again   So just finished an amazing few weeks of both the Inca Trail and a trip into the Amazon. I will do my best to sum it all up in not so many words, here goes ...   The trip started in Cusco where we ... Read more >

Photos: Peru Part 1

PERU | Tuesday, 29 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

more to come tomorrow. internet broken!!
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'Woolly Beannies and Chicken Feet' or 'Our Life on a Bus'...Ecuador and Peru

PERU | Tuesday, 15 Dec 2009 | Views [617]

Hey all Just realised that we've come through two countries without updating the blog so here goes avid listeners! After our legendary Galapagos 'holiday from travelling' we flew back to Quito, the largest city in Ecuador and home to the biggest ... Read more >

Photos: Galapagos Photos

ECUADOR | Saturday, 5 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Sharks, Turtles and loads of boobies ... our time in the Galapagos

ECUADOR | Saturday, 28 Nov 2009 | Views [1064] | Comments [1]

Hi all It´s Matt this time so I apologise in advance (especially to you Michelle) for the numerous spelling and grammatical errors that will surely follow. Last time we wrote we were in Bogota and heading south towards the Galapagos Islands.... Read more >

Gallery: Central To South America

COLOMBIA | Friday, 13 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Tarantula-Spotting, Octopus-Eating, Mud-Swimming and Hummingbird-Poking!

COLOMBIA | Friday, 13 Nov 2009 | Views [1594] | Comments [1]

Hi All! Sorry about the gap between posts - it's difficult to score a computer for long enough in a hostel to write anything of substance! Got a bit to catch up on so we'll try not to bore you with too many details, just the fun stuff. Where we left ... Read more >

NEW PHOTOS, leaving Nica and through Costa Rica

COSTA RICA | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Views [593] | Comments [3]

Hey all Just a quick one to let you know we've added some more pics so check them out! Have spent the last week in Costa Rica, very expensive after Nica where we were sleeping on camp beds for $3 a night. Since last updating we have done three hikes ... Read more >

Gallery: Central America Part 2

NICARAGUA | Friday, 23 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Buses, Boats, Seafood and Scuba.

NICARAGUA | Friday, 16 Oct 2009 | Views [609]

Buenas Dias! We have a bit to catch up on as we have been out of touch for the last week or so! After Antigua, where we last updated, we chicken-bussed it west to Lago de Atitlan for a couple of nights. The lake was formed by a massive volcano and ... Read more >

More in Guatemala, plus pics added

GUATEMALA | Wednesday, 30 Sep 2009 | Views [667]

Hey guys Just a quick update to let you know that Matt´s added about 50 photos from the first stage of our trip. For the more technologically challenged among us: to get to them, look down the right-hand side to 'Photos - Week One'. If you select the ... Read more >

Mexico to Belize to Guatemala - Week One!

GUATEMALA | Saturday, 26 Sep 2009 | Views [674] | Comments [2]

Hi All We are having an absolute blast! This is most definitely the life. Since our last message we have been through Belize and into Guatemala. Belize is an amazing country but just too expensive for us. We were on the islands in the Carribean ... Read more >

Gallery: Week 1

GUATEMALA | Friday, 25 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Friday, 18 Sep 2009 | Views [576] | Comments [5]

Hey all! Have finally sort of recovered from the drawn-out process of getting here! In Brisbane airport we were told that (despite us confirming earlier that week) Matt´s ticket had been cancelled by STA Travel in July. Thank god for QANTAS who, after ... Read more >