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November 7th

FRANCE | Sunday, 14 November 2010 | Views [409]

November 7, 2010

Geez…How bout some Birthdays! I know you are probably thinking that’s what your last 4 Blogs have been. Well I just must say that today is my best friend Chelsea’s birthday and yesterday was Aunt Cathy’s. Happy Birthday ya old ladies.

It’s Sunday morning here, and once again I am sitting in the kitchen by the fireplace. Last night we had 2 guest who want their wedding here. They are an older English and Irish couple, so now they are talking wedding plans with Norma. It’s rainy again today. Usually I get real fed up with the rain, but it’s just to beautiful here with Fall. I’m telling you, I have never seen such vibrant colors of the season. I love it here. At first I was a little scared in this big house, but now I walk the halls like I’ve lived here forever. It’s the energy of the house, not rich and prestigious with status, but serene. I am going to take lots of pictures today. I have to!

Norma and I are starting our PRE detox today. Meaning no Alcohol!! Yes, I turn 21 and go sober! Haha! NOT. Honestly though, I could use a break from drinking. Yes, I said that. But seriously, every night since I arrived drinks have been demolished. We will cut out the drinking today, coffee and sugar on Tuesday and the full thing starts on Wednesday. I can’t wait to cleanse out my entire body. Not just to lose weight, but so my organs can process things fully again. We feed ourselves things that break down our liver and make them rusty. This is a birthday present to my body, plus they say I am suppose to be at my “PRIME” now, and I don’t think that’s where I am. This might help.

Today’s agenda consist of moving the sheep into the barn because the cold weather is coming, and moving the horses to a different field because they have no grass. Plus they are going through a BIG bail of hay in 2 days. Ridiculous. We also have to start our hour of walking today and clean the guests room. I hope we eat leftovers today. I am so sick of Norma having to cook, and I am so sick of it too. It’s delicious, don’t get me wrong, but it’s draining. I am a pro a dishes though. And I love the sink, I get lost in thought when I have to hand wash dishes.

Future plans. I had planned on taking a train to Spain, but it’s looking a little ridiculous in price. Honestly the cheapest way to go would be to fly again, especially since I am sending all of my stuff home, seriously. But…(DING.)….I think I am going to resort to driving to Spain. It’s a 20 hour drive, which I would do in a couple of days! It’s not the most expensive way nor the cheapest. But just think at the experience I will have! I can stop anywhere! I can really experience the little towns and villaS! Ahhh! And I can drive along the coast if I want! I mean many options or true traveling!!!!! Yay!! I really hope that this is what works out for my next travel.

Alright I must go now, and edit some pictures that FB wont let me upload, but maybe if I get some time I can upload them on my blog that I havent posted on in 17 days. Akoonamatatah!

Hope everyone has a great day.


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