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5th of November

FRANCE | Sunday, 14 November 2010 | Views [437]

November 5, 1989 at 2:34pm

21 years ago, a sweet beautiful woman birthed a child. Not knowing what the future would hold or even be able to imagine what it would bring, I was born. Today was so wonderful that it leaves me speechless. I didn’t imagine my 21st birthday being as it has been today, see in the US you get drunk. End of story. It’s the legal age to drink anywhere, so you get drunk! Makes sense aye? Well now don’t get me wrong, I will be getting a buzz tonight, but I was left with this perfect day to ponder on life. This in itself brought me tears of happiness. I realized today that I am finally able to hear my soul speak. I don’t know if you understand how big of a deal this is, but it is. We are so constantly busy in life, with life, out of life, that we lose track of our own personal thoughts to us and from our body. Today I went for a walk through the forest and picked mushrooms in the rain. I also made my best friend her birthday card. So little was done with little celebration that it made my day valuable. I had many sincere birthday wishes on face book, which brought more tears. For dinner tonight we went to a Chinese Buffet! I loved it! Think about it, Chinese food, buffet style, for a celebration. But it was perfect. It was funny too, because these people aren’t like cheap or tacky, that was just the best bet for us enjoying the food and atmosphere around here. So untraditional which I will always remember. We took shots of Sake with naked women in the bottom of the shot glass, I thought they were fish at first. Haha! Ate our buffet food while sipping on a nice bottle of red wine in France. Never imagined such a thing, especially for this year. I also got to open a gift! Yay! Norma got me a great pair of wool socks! She gets so upset with me as I walk around bear footed, so she got me these great socks where I can do that around the house. I know I wasn’t surrounded by all of my normal loved ones today, but the family I am with now and now apart of made it a really nice day for me. I enjoy them alone. For who they are and what they stand for. I really wouldn’t have wanted this birthday any other way than what it has been. The nice sound of the crackling wood in the fireplace, sipping on water, hearing the cats purr, typing my life away. I am now 21 years old, young and full of inspiration and gratitude of how blessed I am. In this next year, I wish no specifics, but only one wish of continued happiness.

Happy Birthday to Me.

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