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IRELAND | Thursday, 14 October 2010 | Views [508]

Tuesday Weedzzzday

October 12, 2010

Today was another sunny day in Sligo at Triskel F F! I had the pleasure of getting by another day without scooping poop! Instead I became a pro at pulling up weeds! It was so warm that I wore a t-shirt. I also rode Connie with a western saddle. Maggie has had one for another horse she has, but didn’t know if it worked or how it worked. So I had the pleasure of showing her that I do know things about horses! I’m getting better with riding with my hands low. I’m kind of get scared that I’m going to carry these habits back with me in western riding and look like a fool, looking all proper, especially with the helmet. Now I know Aunt Cathy loves to hear that I am wearing a helmet. J

It was therapeutic today pulling up weeds and trimming the plants. I can see where gardening can be a hobby. I love plants and gardening but geez I’ve tried plants and all this many times and always seem to get the same result. Dead dried up plants! It’s always my fault because I have that great characteristic of starting something and not finishing it or just simply forgetting. I do have a feeling that when I return home, ohh which seems sooo long from now, that I won’t be high energized all the time. Hopefully I’ll actually take time, my time.

Today Maggie put Ramon on the horse, and it wasn’t good. He is a beginner, I mean looks as if no experience at all. By doing some observing of him, he favors more of an autistic person than his parents said. These are the thoughts, maybe he is a high autistic child which his parents cover up by saying he had cancer as a child or maybe he did and these are the side effects. He’s a good worker, and a sweet boy but it’s just unfortunate, all of it. What get’s me is that his parents would let him come to Maggies’ knowing it’s not a horse riding school, send him with no helmet or protection knowing his level of riding and leave him. He has a horse that is 30 and is more of a pet than a horse to him. His parents were so sweet, I just don’t know why they would act so dumb about all this. I don’t know there circumstances and all I can do is pray for them. I really wanted Ramon to get on that horse and know how to post and hold the reins….but maybe if he is somewhere else he can learn that, just not here.

Funniest part of my day. After dinner, which I’ll explain next because that is moms favorite part, I’m sure, is to hear what we eat and what it tasted like and how many grams of salt were in it, etc, etc. Funniest part of my day. After dinner we were all sitting around the table drinking tea and just talking. I brought up how crazy my dreams have been lately for me and asked Julia if she dreams a lot. Two nights ago she was sleep talking and that was funny, you could hear her talking to the horses. When I speak of Julia you must think German girl speaking English, the accent and all makes me smile. Julia was telling me about how she woke up last night because she had a dream that there was a spider in her bed and she can’t sleep if there are spiders in the room. She woke up and grabbed her “mobile” phone and searched with the light….as she was telling me this, Maggie was walking towards the kitchen with clean dishes in her hands and ran straight into the glass door. I busted out laughing as I am doing now telling it. Ohh god, I couldn’t breath for like ten minutes. It was the funniest thing to see her do that! I’ll laugh about that for days! She then was cracking up to where her eyes were watering. Then Julia didn’t understand what was so funny and was just looking at me like it’s not that funny, so I had to explain. Julia does give me some laughs though! Anytime she can’t think of the English word, she just puts her little finger up and says “wheres da little book”.

We changed our ladies day to tomorrow. Seaweed bath here I come. I’m contemplating the idea because it’s suppose to be a detox, but I have to drink Guinness on my day off…so I’ll drink before and the detox will still work the same, regardless I’ll be supplying my body with things that make me happy.J

I haven’t been sad lately, and instead laughing a lot. I really think it was good for me just to finally talk to them. Yay! Ohh yes before I forget dinner. Lunch we had more crab legs and I made a broccoli salad with egg and tomato, it was good. Well dinner came around and I had time, so I cracked lots of legs and make crab cakes. They looked perfect, until I tried frying them. They didn’t work, so we had fried crab served on one big plate, like a casserole somewhat. Yes I used egg and breadcrumbs to hold them together. I don’t want to talk about it, I thought they were going to be a real good success. Good thing they weren’t because I found a couple of shells in mine!J uhhohh.

Enough for now, I must relax now because I have a fun full day ahead of me tomorrow. Good night. Sweet dreams. I hope I don’t dream tonight. They wear me out.



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