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Photos: Spring Festival, Lushan and Beijing again!

CHINA | Sunday, 21 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

More photos from travels.
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Spring Festival Holidays: Hard-seating it to Kunming and Jianshui

CHINA | Tuesday, 9 Mar 2010 | Views [498]

We had a months holiday for Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) and went travelling around southern China where it's warm! I tried to keep a travel journal and it worked for the first 9 days or so, so parts of this is taken from that and parts of it is ... Read more >

Photos: Yunnan

CHINA | Saturday, 6 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

Rice terraces and Mekong river cities
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Christmas in Gansu

CHINA | Thursday, 21 Jan 2010 | Views [742]

As Christmas only seems to exist in theory in China (tacky Christmas decorations and santa hats are ubiquitous - still are, incidentally - but no one actually celebrates it when it comes to the big day) we had planned to spend it with all the other volunteers ... Read more >

Tags: christmas

Photos: Gansu, Christmas and New Year (my birthday)

CHINA | Wednesday, 6 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Signs you've been in China for almost 4 months!

CHINA | Saturday, 19 Dec 2009 | Views [541]

Signs you've been in China for almost 4 months: here are some. You've got a bunch of random names in your contact list on your phone, such as Coral, The Director, Head English, Edith, Jode, Kobe, Mike, Mike 2, Mike 3, Mike 4, Mike 5 and Mike's Friend, ... Read more >


CHINA | Wednesday, 16 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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The Students

CHINA | Tuesday, 1 Dec 2009 | Views [573] | Comments [1]

I did a class on superheroes where I got the kids to draw their own superhero and then write a story about them. I then took them in at the end of class, they are truly hilarious so here are some of them! Photos of some of them are in the gallery, SUPERHEROES.... Read more >

Gallery: Nights out in Shanghai and Jdz

CHINA | Monday, 30 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Living in China

CHINA | Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009 | Views [558]

This may sound quite strange, but for most of my time in China it's as though I haven't really been aware of where I am. You'll be going around, doing your usual routines and then suddenly something will happen and you'll go, 'Oh my God, I'm in China!' ... Read more >

Photos: Our project (Photos of JDZ)

CHINA | Tuesday, 20 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Beijing

CHINA | Tuesday, 20 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

Great Wall, Summer Palace, and the Mix!
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CHINA | Tuesday, 20 Oct 2009 | Views [514]

I'm beginning to understand why teaching is often described as being the best and the worst job in the world. When a lesson goes well, you can be sure to walk out of the classroom happily and be bright and satisfied for the rest of the day. If a lesson goes ... Read more >


CHINA | Friday, 16 Oct 2009 | Views [665]

Jingdezhen is the porcelain capital of China. Pottery has been made here for over 1700 years. As mentioned before, many of the street lamps and traffic lights are made entirely out of china, and there are whole streets with nothing but china shops. At ... Read more >

Gallery: Xi'an and Lanzhou

CHINA | Wednesday, 14 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

National day holidays
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National Day holidays: Lanzhou and Xi'an

CHINA | Wednesday, 14 Oct 2009 | Views [1796]

The week after Xinyu we left for our weeks language course in Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu province. We met up with the Xinyu boys and set off on a sufficiently unpleasant 32 hour train journey in a train that was later to be referred to as a 'soviet ... Read more >

A little late, but finally some news from China!

CHINA | Sunday, 11 Oct 2009 | Views [645] | Comments [1]

We started off in Beijing, I won't say too much about it because it is too long ago now and I can't remeber everything and it's not all that important. Suffice to say that we had an absolutely incredible time, went to see the Summer Palace, The Great ... Read more >