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Taste-test After thinking about it for quite some time, I am finally "stepping into the void". Starting in April, I will be departing my everyday life and going into explore mode for a year. For now, I am planning to be in Eastern Europe for the summer '07, and southeast Asia for the winter of '08. But, of course, things could change. Please bookmark this site and join me in my adventure.

Architecture by Wal-Mart

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 20 April 2007 | Views [1346] | Comments [14]

So I got my ears pierced.  I contemplated blaming it on my cousin Jill saying she got me super drunk and dragged me in to the tattoo/peircings place, but the reality is I had been secretly planning to do it once I was on my trip.  It’s interesting…. I think I really like it.  It fits my personality and I like how it looks.  My tattoo of the tree of life is my next experiment with self-mutilation.  Don’t worry – its going on my back and will be about fist size.

As to my latest travels, I’m currently writing from Jill’s living room in Harrogate UK, looking out at the heavy looming rainclouds.  It’s been unseasonably nice actually since I got to Dublin, but this may be the first inclement weather to set in.  Jill lives in one of the most charming cities I’ve ever seen.  It feels about the size of Roseburg, but it seems to have a sort of wealthy cosmopolitan influence. I can walk downtown from her place in about 20 minutes where there are all sorts of trendy restaraunts, cafes, clubs, stores, all within a wonderland of ancient cut stone architecture and narrow cobblestone streets.  There isn’t a single home here (or I’m guessing all of the UK) made of anything but rock and brick.  It almost seems that this country, and these homes and buildings, are what REAL homes and towns should look like; whereas much of where we live in the US (ie suburbia) seems phony and mass-produced by comparison.  Of course, I have yet to see London and the surrounding area, but in terms of architecture I think it will be similar.

Much of what I’ve been doing here is spending afternoons with Jill for a few hours, as she has had to work 6pm-6am shifts, catching up in the computer in the evening, then walking downtown at night to a dance club called Flares.  Harrogate is not known for having a gay scene but there is an element of “flare” to this place as indicated by the name.  I’ve actually had a blast at this place.  They play disco that you can sing and dance to, and there’s tons of mostly middle-aged guys and gals just having fun on the dance floor.  I have yet to get Jill out there with me but to be sure this weekend I will drag her out.

Perhaps most striking about my trip so far is the disparity between the value of the US dollar compared to the Euro and British Pound.  Honestly, it makes me feel like I am from a 2nd world country.  It’s really quite disturbing actually.  The dollar is now worth half that of 1 pound, and less than 2/3 of a Euro.  For example if I were to buy a value meal at MacDonalds, which to someone living here is around 5 Euros, it costs me 8-10 US dollars for the same exact meal.  Ridiculous.  What’s happening to our country?????  Not a good sign in my opinion.  Anyhow, my frugality has been magnified to battle this incongruence.  I have avoided eating out whenever possible, and in most cases limit myself to one beer.  It will be this way until I settle somewhere and can minize costs all the more.

Since I haven’t wrapped up my experience in Dublin, here’s a few tidbits.  I really only had 2 full days in Dublin if you subtract travel days and jet lag recuperation.  The first day I went to some free museums and checked out the nightlife.  I started at a really large place called the George which had some really fun karioki, somewhat like American Idol style.  I then retired at a smaller pub where I met this nice guy named Timothy O. Sullivan (can you get more Irish than this) who generously offered to drive me around the countryside the next day.  I think I enjoyed just talking the most, as the accent and choice of words are so much fun.  I love the use of the words, mates, chaps, cheers, boy-o,  …. There’s many others.  The next day I had a major transportation challenge in getting myself across on ocean and then inland to Harrogate about 250 miles by train.  The ferry ride was fantastic (as always) and the train ride too was absolutely georgous.  How I made all those connections I’ll never know.

Until next time.  I hope you all understand that it is difficult to respond to all your comments specifically, but I read them all and savor the tidbits from home and friends.  Please keep them coming. 

Tags: Misadventures



Dan, good to hear all is well old chap, sorry to hear you have to put up with our weak US dollar. You are deffinitely seing and living economics 101, much of our weak dollar is from our huge national debt, we can't continue to provide all the social services to people who can help themselves and of cource our military budget is way out of hand!
I never thought I would have a son wearing ear rings but if you enjoy them it's your call. Give Jill a hug for me and I'm sure she is very happy to have you there. Cheereo old boy and thanks for keeping all of us up to date on your travels.

  William Johnston Apr 20, 2007 1:10 PM


Hi Daniel, sorry about the double message last week. I must have hit the comp. key twice.
Anyway, it has been pretty cold and rainy here. I am anxious to get my shorts and sandels back on. We are all doing pretty well. The boys are all in school, and I haven't seen them much, except at our traditional Sunday dinner. That's why I enjoy them so much...we get to catch up and have a lot of good laughs.
I sang the Hawaiian song last Sunday with my two friends, and it really sounded nice. I am finding that I like Hawaiian music. It's fun to sing, because anything goes. Also, today I sang for the funeral of my friend's mother. It went well too.
Well, it sounds like you are starting to get around well, and are enjoying yourself. I hope to see lots of pictures. I am enjoying your journal writing, and the pictures.
Joe is taking his engineer test on Saturday. We are all rooting for him.
Well, I had better close. Love you lots, and miss you. MOM

  Carol Ridley Apr 20, 2007 2:44 PM


Daniel, Dave and I just finished catching up on all your photos. They sure are beautiful. When you see such old structures, it makes you realize how "new" things really are in the US.
By the way, Daniel, how is your pup doing in Portland? And how are you doing without your her? My little Eddie and I went down to the river twice today. He's my pal. Well, bye for now, love you..MOM

  CAROL RIDLEY Apr 20, 2007 3:03 PM


Hey Carol -- figured that I may as well answer your question about Chelsea here on Dan's blog. :) She's doing fine. She misses him, I can tell, but I'm making sure to get her outside each day, and take her to the park as often as I can. So far, so good... although I'm no good at talking that sort of high-pitched doggie-speak that Dan does. She just looks back at me like she's saying, "Nice try"... Hope all is well in Roseburg!

  Aaron Apr 20, 2007 3:44 PM


By the way... dunno about the rest of you, but I think Dan looks pretty good with his ears pierced... :-)

  Aaron Apr 20, 2007 3:56 PM


Dan! I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw 'so i got my ears pierced'..ha ha ha! It sounds like you are having a great time and I have to say that I like the earings! Now--you have to know that the next time you come over to my place I am going to make you put on all my dangling sparkly ones to see how they look. :)Oh, I can't wait for that! I will email you to your gmail account this weekend for sure! Tell Jill hello for me!

  Lindsey Apr 21, 2007 12:30 PM


Dude-- earings???? What is going on over there? I knew that I should have come along to chaperon! And that guy that pierced your ears-- was he forcing you? He looked scary!

Well, we certainly miss you, but I love to hear about your adventures. I especially enjoy looking at the pictures. Keep those coming! Jill looks great.

Have fun! Be Safe!

  Kari Apr 23, 2007 10:13 AM


Cheers Dan! You know it's really funny how much you and Colby look alike when you don't smile in your pictures! About the ear piercing? Well, I guess there are worse places to get pierced that make the ears sound not so bad.

  Joe Apr 23, 2007 2:18 PM


Hey Aaron, thanks for the update on Chelsea. Your letter was a neat surprise for me. When I mentioned at our Sunday dinner how you weren't doing too well with the high-pitched dog talk like Daniel does, then everyone started saying how they knew how to do it, so we had a whole orchestra of Daniel's high-C dog talk.
Daniel, how are you doing? Are you still at Jill's house? I loved the row of little houses that she was living in. Keep us up on what you are going to do next.
We are finally getting warmer weather. The sunshine feels good, after two or three weeks of cold. I taught my morning and evening class today, with a nice walk in Stewart Park with Eddie in-between. Uncle Vernon is in Lithuwania, and getting ready to leave for the states next week. He sure would have like to have seen you. You would have enjoyed staying with him. His wife has already left, and he is alone. He has a nice little apartment right near the college. If you have a couple of days, you could still catch him if you want. We are planning a Pond family reunion this summer in Ontario, and Vernon is organizing it in emails. Well, bye for now, and love you lots, MOM

  Carol Ridley Apr 24, 2007 5:51 PM


Hey Dan! I can’t believe all that you’ve been through already and you’re only two weeks into your journey! But you’ve acclimated well and I’m thrilled to know that you’re enjoying yourself. I realize now that you weren’t kidding when you said you’d get your ears pierced. I can’t believe you did it, but I have to say the look fits you well...together with your green sweatshirt :-) By the way I’m working on your tree of life. Am I too late? It’s been four days since you’ve written so who knows what you’ve been up to all this time. Did you succeed in dragging Jill out to Flares? Back to the tree, I’m sorry I’m so late in getting it to you but I’ve had a rough couple of weeks. Found out my barn kitties that I left behind in Banks are gone. The new owners euthanized them without ever giving me the option of coming and getting them. And then having Duke (my puppy dog) get sick only a couple of days after kinda put the rest of life on hold. So now you know why I haven’t been in touch. I miss ya and I miss our mocha Fridays. It’s just not the same without you here. I haven’t been across the street yet. Maybe I will in time, but for now I’ve been getting my coffee on the way to work. Things at work are pretty much the same, except that Tom has hired two more engineers (I wonder what he plans to do with all these people once work runs out) and one of them will be moving into your office. (That reminds me, I need to get your plants out of there and moved to the front where I’ll be caring for them as I promised I would. This applies only if they’re still alive but after all that you’ve put them through I think they’re more drought tolerant than a cactus.) Port of Newport has moved on. They’ve selected KPFF to do the terminal. That was a big blow for Scott, but he’s managed to come out of it in the last few days. Tom has had to go up to Ft. Lewis and wasn’t happy about it. Shawn got pulled over in the Explorer, but she managed to get out of it without a ticket…unlike someone I know :-). Other than this, it’s the same ol’ crap. I can’t tell you how badly I want to be on vacation. (I can’t tell you how badly I want of out here for good!!!, but I’ll take the vacation for now.) Maui is less than a month away but it seems like an eternity from now. My ring will be ready in the next few days. I think I’ll need a body guard to wear this thing in public. He wanted to go for 3.5 but I managed to talk him down to 2.5. Is this Dave or what?!? He is still confused why he didn’t get invited to your party. Tam has invited us out to his house; we’ll be going there this coming Saturday. Well, I’ll wrap up for now. Please keep up the writing and the photos. They’re great! Take care and be safe! We’re thinking of you. Andreia

  Andreia Apr 25, 2007 1:44 PM


You know I think there needs to be a line drawn where comments end and e-mails begin! I don't know maybe I'm being a poop, but that's just how I feel about these novel length comments to Dan or other people who commented.

  Joe Ridley Apr 27, 2007 1:58 PM


Joe, yes, you're a poop.
Daniel, where are you now? We haven't heard from you for a few days? MOM

  carol ridley Apr 27, 2007 5:45 PM


I finally found your blog! I am really excited for you and your journey. I will be checking in on you regularly and look forward to hearing about your experiences. Jorge and I are doing well. I am selling the camper and truck as most of our time is spent between Portland and New York City. I love NYC, so much in fact, we are buying a place in the Pearl becuase it feels so much more "metro" and close to the heart of the city.

Work is keeping me busy. We just did a remodel of the office and added another treatment room and a staff lounge. My dad, Jorge and another friend did all the work ourselves in a week. It turned out really nice.

I look forward to you next post.


  Todd Beck Apr 29, 2007 12:35 AM


Hey! I'm glad you are having fun exploring and doing new things. Keep posting your adventures! I'll keep trail running and hiking. Peace. :)

  Jeff Apr 29, 2007 8:10 AM



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