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2 go mad in india the beginning

lovely india

INDIA | Thursday, 1 February 2007 | Views [398] | Comments [2]

Well well well yesterday not as bad as had thought. Me and Soph went to get something to eat and asked about getting a beer (well one has to try) and the bloke said yes we could have a beer and led us to a side door where we went upstairs and there was a bar where we could get a drink. Yay! So we went in and got a few Kingfishers and was chatting to a cool guy, Tom from London and we ended up getting pissed with him. By the end of the night we were all up dancing and I was busting out some of my best dance moves so I thought in my drunken state but realised this morning when I woke up that I can't dance for shit and actually look like I have some kind of disability when I hit the dance floor. Sophie was tring to chat up one of the waiters who was a about 50 with a huge moustache ( i think the heat is getting to her) but who apparantly ran away from her with all the other staff laughing at him, poor bugger. We went in there this evening, for a pepsi I might add and he wasn't there so he is probably in the staff room afraid to come out rocking back and forth and trembling. We have this affect on men where ever we go, can't think why.

So today got up and went and saw the Dalai Lama of all people. Wow wow and more wow. He was giving a talk about inner peace in English with the help of a translator and it was incredible. At the end we went up near the stage and were about 4feet away from him. I know I sound like a groupie but the DALAI LAMA!!!!!! I am just so in awe of him and he was just how I imagined wise and funny. I'm even not having a beer tonight so he must have had some effect on me. anyway thats all for now oh and Nick from World Nomads pleased you are enjoying the journal      

Tags: Culture



Hey Annie!

Long time no see! I didn't realise you had a journal too! You guys sound like you are having an awesome time! So jealous! I am still in not so sunny Bournemouth job hunting. I love reading about what you guys get up to, so keep bloggling!

Luv Kim :o)

  Kim Feb 1, 2007 6:48 AM


It seems YOU can find beer anywhere, an innate trait that all us Kellys have...

  Mick Feb 2, 2007 3:40 AM

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