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Live as if this is all there is!

August 3rd

THAILAND | Sunday, 3 August 2008 | Views [883] | Comments [1]

We are fed up with this Tub Tim resort.  The service is crap and the food is not all that good, plus we are getting ripped off by staying in this fan-only room.  So we rented a moto and went in search of a new place to stay.  We only had two hours to explore the island and look at rooms to find a better one.


We started out going south; we had heard that it is more secluded down south.  We went down at least four really bumpy, really terrible roads and looked around the different resorts.  I didn’t get a good vibe from some of them, and then others were way out of our budget.  Then we happened upon The Viking Resort.  It looked very nice, and new.  It also seemed to be large and there looked to be some people milling about.  So we enquired about the price and asked to see a room.  The guy at the front desk, who seemed to be very high, brought us to a bungalow with an amazing ocean view.  As we walked up Kyle turned and gave me an excited look.  This room turned out to be very nice other than the cement floors.  But the bed actually had a blanket!  This room also had a TV with cable, and a mini fridge.  Not to mention AC and hot water, and it was clean!  I think the best part was that it was cheaper than our first room at Tub Tim.  So Kyle and I rushed back to our room to pack up our stuff.  I started to pack while Kyle took the moto into town to get more cash to pay for our remaining days.  Once he got back we checked out, stole the large white beach towel, and figured out how to carry all of our stuff in as few of trips as possible.


We left two bags at the hotel and I strapped on one of the large Porters to my back.  Kyle put a small backpack in the basket on the front of the moto, and I had another cloth type shopping bag over my right arm and propped on my leg, this bag contained the stolen towel, Kyle’s big tennis shoes, and a few other things.  I thought I was going to be bumped right off the back once we started to go.  I had so much weight on me that it was awkward and Kyle had to be extra careful when he was steering.  We made it back to Viking, and I made my way down the big hill with all the bags either strapped to me or in my arms.  Kyle went back for the rest while I started to unpack.  He made it back rather quickly, and I guess without me freaking our on the back of the bike he can go much faster.


By this time it was after 12 noon and we had not had any food.  We were starving.  It turns out that our resort is very small, less than four rooms, and the reason we had the room with the best view is because we were the only people staying there.  Since it was the low season the hotel didn’t have its kitchen up and running.  And the reason I thought it was so big at first was because two other resorts border both sides of ours, but it really didn’t matter.  We were still really happy with it.  We went next door for some lunch.


I ordered a noodle dish.  I had no idea what it was but I thought I should try it.  It turned out to be a soup, kind of like chicken noodle and egg drop soup combined.  It was very good.  Kyle had Pad Thai with prawns.  His was good as well.  Then we hit the beach.  We made our way north just a tad and camped out on the beach there.  While Kyle dozed on the beach I went to find a restaurant that served French fries.  It had been a couple of hours since I had eaten and of course I was getting hungry again!  I found this restaurant just steps away from where we were sitting that had fries, and the cute girl that worked there let me take the fries and beer back to our spot on the beach.  We really just laid around some more, and played in the water.  Later we went back to our hotel to shower and get ready for dinner.  We walked up and down our little section of beach trying to figure out where we wanted to eat.  The place I had gotten the fries also had pizza and both Kyle and I were craving it.  So off we went.  The cute girl remembered me, she said “Oh you are the girl with the French fries!”  I totally felt like a fattie! Hehe.


The restaurant was out of some of the ingredients that we wanted but it didn’t matter.  Kyle and I played Farkel while we waited for our food.  There was a large group of maybe 20 something Thai people that were also eating there.  We had seen them earlier playing on the beach and playing guitar and singing.  They were having so much fun, and had practically a whole bar setup with them.  They ordered a ton of food.  All of which looked really good.  We ended up ordering some fried rice to go along with our pizza.  The food was really good, and after dinner we picked up an ice cream treat from a little mini-mart and went back to the room to get some sleep.  



W O W !!!!! I L-O, L-O, V E you.

  Edwin Pray4rock Aug 17, 2008 2:28 AM



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