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Where Ever I Lay My Head

Gallery: 2008 July 12 Vashishat Manali

INDIA | Sunday, 12 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

First time in Manali with Amy and Eric.
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Gallery: 2008 July 6 McLeod Ganj

INDIA | Sunday, 12 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

Upper Dharamsala - Home of the Dalai Lama
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2008 September 13, Vashishat, Himachal Pradesh, India

INDIA | Saturday, 13 Sep 2008 | Views [721] | Comments [1]

    Ahhh, Vashishat Town. Wonderful People. Gorgeous Mountains. Aromatic Gardens. Cowpoo underfoot in the narrow alleys.     We're back at Amar's Guest house in the valley where Cannabis grows like dandelions and surprise! surprise! There are loads ... Read more >

Gallery: 20080620 Vientienne, Laos

LAOS | Saturday, 13 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

Capital City of Laos
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Gallery: 20080626 Sangklaburi, Thailand

THAILAND | Wednesday, 13 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

Volunteering at BanDada home for Burmese Orphans & others in need
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Gallery: 20080609 Luang Prabang, Laos

LAOS | Wednesday, 13 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

Very cool old Capital City of Laos
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Gallery: 20080603 Ha Long Bay & SaPa, VietNam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 13 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

from North VietNam, Worst Tour Ever & a cool mountain town
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Gallery: 20080519 DaLat, VietNam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 13 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

from our time in VietNam's wine country
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Gallery: 20080518 South Vietnam

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 13 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta, Hue, etc.
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July 31, 2008 - A General Update from Rishikesh

INDIA | Thursday, 31 Jul 2008 | Views [691]

I figured some of you might have seen the news about the series of bombings in India, and I wanted to let you know that we are far far far away from any of that and not planning on going anywhere near the problem areas. It's such an awful thing to use ... Read more >

Tags: ashram, rishikesh

July 3 & 4, 2008 - Starting in the Subcontinent: Kolkata

INDIA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [498]

I was completely mistaken in my misconceptions about Kolkata, or Calcutta, the former British Trade Captial of their Indian Colony. I blame the image of millions of starving children in a desert of devastated, crumbling mud homes on Sally Struthers and ... Read more >

Tags: calcutta, kolkata

High in the Himalayas where the Dalai Lama lives, Dharamsala July 7-12

INDIA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [634] | Comments [1]

          Dharamsala was originally one town- but it was literally split in two by a huge earthquake in 1905. Now there are two towns, Lower Dharamsala and Upper Dharamsala- usually known as MacLeod Ganj. MacLeod Ganj is the home of the Dalai Lama and ... Read more >

My life on a bus, or crossing the border in 3 days

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 2 Jul 2008 | Views [647]

     The morning after the great laundry fiasco, we left bright and early for Dien Bien Phu, trying to make the border crossing to Laos. Turns out it's a long way by bus- but drives through some of the most spectacular scenery in Vietnam. We were on ... Read more >

Views, Hilltribes, losing laundry: Sapa, Vietnam June 3-7

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 2 Jul 2008 | Views [1150]

     We stayed at the Cat Cat Hotel, which has a seventh floor restaurant with phenomenal views out over the hills of Sapa. On our first day we climbed up the mountain to the botanical gardens, and found ourselves lost in a maze of winding paths leading ... Read more >

Gallery: Diving in Malaysia

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 24 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

SCUBA off the eastern coast of Borneo, on Mabul Island
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Kanchanaburi: Peaceful at a Price

THAILAND | Friday, 2 May 2008 | Views [735] | Comments [1]

This is who's with Jen and I: Jen's father, Berk; Jen's mother, Doris; and our friend from Texas, Amy, who was a teacher with us in Japan. We arrived in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, three days ago much to my relief. As Jen says, I had the "Bangkok Blues.... Read more >

Tags: 2008 - second update, may 2

Gallery: 200805 - Kanchanaburi, Thailand

THAILAND | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

2 hours north of Bangkok on the River Kwai
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Gallery: 200804 - Bangkok

THAILAND | Wednesday, 30 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

Initial stay in Bangkok waiting on Jen's folks
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Welcome to the blog

THAILAND | Friday, 25 Apr 2008 | Views [619] | Comments [2]

Jen and I have landed in Bangkok, Thailand , and are staying at the K.C. Guesthouse in the Khaosan Road Area. We arrived at about 3 a.m. on August 23, and slept through until 10 a.m. today. We got up and went to breakfast, then collapsed back in bed ... Read more >

Tags: first update

Gallery: 200804 - Victoria, BC with Sue & George

CANADA | Friday, 18 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

Botannical Gardens in a former quarry outside Victoria, BC and square dancing night
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