A small rural town of 3000, Samaipata is as cute as a town can get. Located in the mountains away from the flat Santa Cruise, it is plagued by landslides.
We headed up to see the famous ruins on a near by mountain. El Forte, an unknown origins, but later discovered by the Incans as a sign to build a centre there. It is high abouve the valleys with bizarre engravings and thick 'Runways' Eric Von Dannaken threorised it had to be a UFO landing strip. The locals even report of bizarre encounters and often sight such phenomenia, we were later to find out first hand.An expensive but worth while place to visit, we walked back 18 ks to rest and have a nice dinner.
The next day we headed to an animal refuge and played with various monkeys, big howler monkeys and toucans and turtles. It was nice, again we trecked back. only 3 ks this time. We herad there were road blocks from another landslide, however they had cleared by evening and we had a chance to make a break for Sucre, another 12hour bus.