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The Traveling A team We begin our journey through New Zealand's South Island for 2 weeks, then onto the North. From there our adventure takes us across the Pacific Ocean to South America for 11 amazing weeks!

To the Galapagos and back

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 25 February 2009 | Views [662]

Described in the lonely planet as a once in a life time paradise, our expectations were set high from the begining. We had forked out alot of our Aussie cash before we left for a five day boat cruise around a few of the various Islands in the Achipelago.

We arrived at Baltra, Santa Cruz Island in blistering heat and were instantly stung $100 each for our national park fee. After paying $10 each for our tourist card (hmmm).

We meet up with our group which comprised of a lovely Metaller and  Musician from Germanany - Nobert, an English couple and American couple and a crazy Japanese RnB singer who had a number 17 on the charts..also born on the same day as Aaron!

Seemed things were shaping up to be great...

We got to the port, had a magnificent lunch and went back on land to see the Charles Darwin Centre giant turtles, endemic to the Islands..as all animals seemed to be. One Turtle, Lonesome George, is a one of the kind species, hes the last left! They are trying to get him laid..so fingers crossed for him with some of the 90% genetically compatable ladies. The most eligable bachelor in the world.

We headed back for some dinner and rest.

Next day we headed back onto the mainland again..this time to see two sinkholes created from giant Lava fissures. It was nice to walk around, but we were really keen to get out and see the Islands as this was day 2 of the trip already and we wanted some snokling on Santa Fe.

We returned to the boat for lunch, and to our utter disappointment poor Norbert had told us the news that $160 was missing from his personal safe on board. The Spanish doctor checked his stash and he confirmed that $600 was missing from his.

With Paranoia setting in and a dubious crew analysing the gringos the boat was truned around back to the port! The Police and Navy boarded the boat and began interrigating. Our tour was almost cancelled...then the owner of the boat arrived and sacked the crew (thats what he told us) but they were to finish the tour with us. Absolutley dismayed at this action, how where we to feel with now a crew who had not only stolen, but also had lost there jobs.

There was no snorkeling due to the time waisted so day 2 was up and we had seen sweet F all.We arrived at Santa Fe at dusk.

Day 3 was begun with high hopes and we had a terrific day on Floreana Island,. We saw Christmas Iguanas green and red, The Galapagos Hawk lots of Lava Lizards and birds. We then went for a great snorkel around a cave and rocks to see tropical fish and Rays.

Day 4 we awoke in Espanola Island. A great wee place full of life and teriffic snorkeling at Thje Devils Crown, a rocky outpost off the coast. Reef sharks and fish were around as well as dangerous currents, our guides failed to breif us on.

Day 5 we awoke at Seymour Island after a grueling sail all night. we had to get up at 5.30am to see lots of more creatures including a snake, lots of birds doing weird mating rituals and thousands of iguanas.

Then we were dropped off at the airport and had to catch taxis back to the port, amaised at what we has seen but aliitle dismayed at the organisation, treament and bad dicision making by those in charge. We almost left there and then but we decided to hang in and have a few days to chill in the sun.

A good desicion, we meet a few aussies and went to Tortuga beach which boasts a massive beautiful Lagoon and Los Greitas, a stunning groto tucked away on the island for some deep fresh water swimming in the middle of nowhere.

11 hours travel and we landed in Cuenca...more about that tomorrow.



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