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Tales from an intrepid viajero in Latin America Despite promising myself that I´d never be so self-indulgent as to write a blog that´s exactly what I´m going to do. Welcome to the blog that I´m writing while studying Spanish and travelling in Latin America over the next 8 months

Trip: Latin America

There are [58] stories from my trip: Latin America

The End of Road (4/4) - Top Adventures

COLOMBIA | Saturday, 27 Jun 2009 | Views [1306]

Over my trip I`ve had many adventures but there were always some that were going to stand out. Whether it be the people you go with, the danger associated with them or just the raw beauty of the place - some adventures are just better than others. Here`s ... Read more >

Tags: top adventures

The End of the Road (3/4) - Top Cities and Chill Out Spots

COLOMBIA | Friday, 26 Jun 2009 | Views [2462]

Both Colombia and Guatemala have some great cities and tranquil chill out spots. Here`s my top 5... Cities 1. Xela (Guatemala)- I used to laugh when my Guatemalan friends told me that Xela was ¨la tierra prometida¨. I don´t anymore. For me it really ... Read more >

Tags: top cities and chill out spots

The End of the Road (2/4) - Things that are overrated...

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 25 Jun 2009 | Views [2207]

In no particular order, here are the five things or places that I have found most overrated on my travels. 1. Taganga (colombia). Lonely planet describes it as a "fishermen´s village" and I`ve lost count of the number of backpackers who ... Read more >

Tags: overrated things

The End of the Road (1/4) - Comedy moments on my travels

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 24 Jun 2009 | Views [1172]

So, it looks like my 8 month trip is coming to an end as it is my last week in Latin America so over the next few days I will be penning some of the highlights, lowlights and comedy moments from my trip. It has been a truly memorable time - I`ve learnt ... Read more >

Tags: trip highlights - funny moments

Gallery: Amazonas

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 18 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Amazon jungle
See all 40 photos >>

Amil de La Amazonas - surviving deep in the Amazon Jungle for three days

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 18 Jun 2009 | Views [3043] | Comments [4]

The more astute amongst you will have noticed that I am indeed trying to row a motorised boat with a stick. That`s what happens when the motor on the boat you are in breaks down 2km from the nearest "settlement" in the middle of the Amazon.... Read more >

Tags: amazon jungle trekking survival

El Parque Cocuy - wind, rain, snow and an hour a day of spectacular views

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 11 Jun 2009 | Views [2057] | Comments [1]

El Parque Cocuy must rank among one of S. America´s most spectacular yet least visited mountainous areas. It has plenty of intimidating yet scalable 5,000m peaks, incredible lagoons, strange botanical life and rock formations which change colour with ... Read more >

Tags: trekking mountains lagunas

Gallery: El Parque Cocuy

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 10 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Cocuy national park (5000m)
See all 28 photos >>

Gallery: El Desierto Tatacoa

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 3 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Tatacoan Desert
See all 10 photos >>

San Agustin & El desierto Tatacoa

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 3 Jun 2009 | Views [2608]

San Agustin San Agustin is a place of lush green landscapes, river valleys and random pre-Colombian statues. It has to be one of the most pleasent and laid back places in all of Colombia. I passed a few days there ... Read more >

Tags: desert ruins

What getting your visa renewed tells you about Colombia

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 2 Jun 2009 | Views [1240]

How bureaucracies and bureaucrats go about their business can tell you a lot about a country. Colombia is no different. For example, a few days ago I had to go the immigration office in Popayan to get my visa extended for another month. In theory, the ... Read more >

Tags: visa extensions observations on colombia

Gallery: Coffee Country

COLOMBIA | Monday, 25 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

Salento and Finca Villa Maria
See all 28 photos >>

Coffee Country - Don Elias, Wax Palm Trees & Finca Villa Maria

COLOMBIA | Monday, 25 May 2009 | Views [2895]

I've spent the last week in Colombia's "Zona Cafatera" which is an area of verdant hills, exotic bird life, wax palm trees (well, in the valle cocara at least)and coffee (sometimes it is important to state the obvious). The first few days ... Read more >

Tags: coffee fincas

Gallery: Manizales

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 17 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

Manizales and El NevadoRuiz
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Manizales - El Nevado Ruiz, hot springs and getting my hair cut...

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 17 May 2009 | Views [3363]

I`ve spent the last few days in Manizales which is the in the middle of Colombia`s Zona Cafatera (Coffee Country). The city itself is a fairly standard commerical city but it has a backdrop of stunning green hills and mountains. Whichever direction you ... Read more >

Tags: hot springs, mountains, spanish

Gallery: Bogota and Villa de Leyva

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 7 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

photos from Bogota & Villa de Leyva
See all 28 photos >>

May Day protests, culture and a city on the move - welcome to Bogotá

COLOMBIA | Wednesday, 6 May 2009 | Views [1472]

It`s big, cosmoplitan, sophisticated, has great museums, restaurants and your chances of being run over are relatively low. No, I`m not describing Buenos Aires. I am in fact in Bogotá, the city that is single handedly defying the global financial crisis ... Read more >

Tags: latin american cities

San Gil - paragliding, rafting and making my colombian tv debut...

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 26 Apr 2009 | Views [3349] | Comments [2]

I ´ve spent the last few days in the self-styled "Adventure Capital" of Colombia and it hasn´t disappointed. It has been a little bit expensive (well, relative to everything else I´ve done) but has definitely been "extreme" at ... Read more >

Tags: adventure sports

Gallery: Mompox

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 19 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

Colonial town of Mompox where time stands still
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Relaxing in Mompox

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 19 Apr 2009 | Views [1603] | Comments [1]

After the Cuiadad Perdida jungle adventure I spent a few days on the Colombian Carribean Coast in Taganga (with the remaining straddlers from the Cuidad Perdida Trek) and in the idyllic Parque Tayrona. There´s not really much to write about the Parque ... Read more >

Tags: colonial towns

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