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A chance to make my life different

First-time foreigner

THAILAND | Saturday, 12 Apr 2014 | Views [181] | Scholarship Entry

The first time I travel overseas was to Chiang Mai, Thailand last year. Two of my colleagues and I went there to volunteer for an international conference. Although we just spent six days there, it was surely enough to leave great impact on me. When we ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

A 'place' I have visited

THAILAND | Friday, 28 Jun 2013 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

I am Hoa Phuong Doan. I just graduated from college last year, and right now I am working for a NGO called Samaritan’s Purse Vietnam. My parents divorced when I was very small, and I live with my mom. Since I was small, I have always loved taking pictures ... Read more >
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Tags: Travel Photography Scholarship 2013

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