INDIA | Tuesday, 20 Jul 2010 | Views [596]
Apologies for my absence. I have been in India for the past 6 days and likewise for the those few days I have attempted to sit down and write about what has happened and experiences. But in all honesty, for the first time words I lack the words to ... Read more >
Tags: delhi, hichal pradesh, himalayas, india, manali, mcleod ganj, mecload ganj
USA | Saturday, 19 Jun 2010 | Views [799]

Hello, How are you. I'm flying out in a few days but somehow I am going to miss summer in NYC. There is no time for saudade or nostalgia however. My backpack is semi packed, all shots up to date, travel insurance check, 120 film check, my trusty Canon ... Read more >
Tags: blog, british airways, delhi, india, lisbon, madrid, porto, portugal, spain, travel