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My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

When you are in a rainforest, you dont have to wait for a big mammal to see some action. There is drama unfolding all around you all the time. Here's one of those natural history moment. A spider wasp paralysing a spider(tarantula?). The wasp would then carry this spider to a nest, and lay eggs on the spider. When the eggs hatch, the baby wasps now have live food to feed on.

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 17 October 2010 | Views [828]

When you are in a rainforest, you dont have to wait for a big mammal to see some action. There is drama unfolding all around you all the time. Here's one of those natural history moment. A spider wasp paralysing a spider(tarantula?). The wasp would then carry this spider to a nest, and lay eggs on the spider. When the eggs hatch, the baby wasps now have live food to feed on.

Tags: travel photography scholarship 2010, #2010wnphoto, borneo, spider, wasp

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