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Okinawa Zoo

From the signs, we take it the chimpanzee isn't always the friendliest.  Who did they get to do this artwork?!

JAPAN | Saturday, 1 August 2009 | Views [431] | Comments [2]

From the signs, we take it the chimpanzee isn't always the friendliest. Who did they get to do this artwork?!



I'm thinking the reason he looks so angry is because the sign says he's a "Common" chimpanzee.
If you had walked a bit further you would have seen the cage with the "Refined" chimps....much more pleasant chaps!

  Aunt Deb Aug 1, 2009 10:04 PM


Aunt Deb, perhaps you're right. They also had a sign for "reticulated giraffe" a bit down the way. We had to come home and look it up, as none of the Americans knew what the word meant. :) ---Arielle

  abcarlson Aug 1, 2009 10:13 PM

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