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The Long & Winding Road

Lost my friggin Raincoat

THAILAND | Wednesday, 26 November 2008 | Views [306]

Today I had a very relaxing afternoon.  We all went for breakfast at about noon, chilled in the restaurant because it was still raining.  Played some guitar and just hung out. Then I went to look for my MEC raincoat I left at the bar the night before.  No Deal.  See ya later $100 raincoat.  Guess I'll just grab a big yellow poncho for 40 baht up the street.  It sucks too because I think I've only seen like 2 hours of sunshine in the last week.  Just always grey all the time.  It kindamakes your tropical paradise not so tropical anymore.  Sarah and CJ are taking off tomorrow or the next day to get back to Bangkok, so as soon as they go I'll sign up for a scuba diving course.  I really can't wait to try diving, it's just something that I've always wanted to do.  The evening today consisted of our daily pub run from Choppers to the Lotus Bar then to Ban's then the long walk down the beach back to our distant Pranee Resort.

Tags: life on koh tao in the rain

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