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Never Too Old

About sailor1girl

There are 3 authors to this journal, although somebody had to set it up...and that was me. So, I will start with a little about me and the other 2 travelers can add to it as they wish.

As long as I can remember travel has been quite high on my priority list. In point of fact, it is second only to my family. I guess to fuel my habit of wanting to see the world, 15 years ago I bought a sailboat and moved aboard. That was quite a 'trip' in itself. In retrospect, that was one of my best decisions ever. I have sailed over 20,000 nautical miles, been to Canada, all the eastern seaboard states several times, the entire Gulf of Mexico, Texas coast, the Bahamas 7 times, and the Turks & Caicos. The rate of travel is just right for me. About 6-7 miles an hour, stopping for extended periods to get to know local people and see the sights, hunkering down to hide from bad weather, is fast enough.

As my two best friends and I are about to embark on an adventure of a different kind, I am awed by how small the world has become. In a mere 9 hours we can arrive in Istanbul from the US! We sailors have a saying, "Nothing goes to weather like a 787!" It would take months for me to get there by boat, and cost a whole lot more too. So, I am ready, eager, open to whatever happens and VERY excited to share this adventure with Tomie (my sister) and Bruce (my soul mate). 

My Travel Map: