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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "food".

Day 7: Time Passes Slowly

ITALY | Saturday, 7 Jun 2014 | Views [2980]

According to the Bible, the seventh day is supposedly the holy day of rest. I’ve never been religious which is just as well as we had a full itinerary to get through. It started in Grinzane Cavour, where we briefly checked out national monument, ... Read more >

Tags: cooking, food, italy, langhe, passport & plate, piedmont, piemonte, roero, travel, world nomads

Day 6: Always Bring a Bathing Suit

ITALY | Friday, 6 Jun 2014 | Views [3020]

One of the things I love most about Langhe e Roero is that passionate people power it. Small producers know how to work the land, and do so with love and determination. Anna Adami is one such woman, rising early at her sheep farm, Cascina Raflazz in ... Read more >

Tags: cooking, food, italy, langhe, passport & plate, piedmont, piemonte, roero, travel, world nomads

Day 5: People Make the Place

ITALY | Thursday, 5 Jun 2014 | Views [3076]

This day was a good day for many reasons, the first being I now know what I’m going to call my daughter when the prospect of having children no longer terrifies me. Gaia. It’s nice, no? The Gaia we met first thing in the morning was nice ... Read more >

Tags: cooking, food, italy, langhe, passport & plate, piedmont, piemonte, roero, travel, world nomads

My Scholarship entry - Understanding a Culture through Food

EGYPT | Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012 | Views [3399] | Comments [1] | Scholarship Entry

A Feast Fit for a Pharaoh Our taxi slams on its breaks, narrowly avoiding a malnourished donkey. Ironically, the scrawny animal draws a rusty oven of sweet potatoes mounted on wonky wheels. "It's the batata man!" announces the driver. Suddenly he pulls ... Read more >

Tags: #2012writing, cairo, egypt, food, travel writing scholarship, travel writing scholarship 2012, travelwriting

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