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Don't foget to pack a smile A journal of an aussie gal's adventures while living and working in UK and riding the wave that is travel

The first step is the hardest

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Views [359]

Well I'm not sure how all this stuff works, this page is new to me but the idea is I want to record everything I do and experience during my travels, over to the uk and beyond so when I come back I have something to reflect on and go wow I did that..

Its 8 days til I step on a plane and fly out to a new country, a place I have only been once and even then it was briefly nearly 8 years ago, for an adventure into the unknown. I am leaving behind so much yet I am gaining so much. This has been one of the hardest periods of my life with the exception of a certain hospital stay a few years back as it is so hard to wrench your hands away from everything which is safe and everything which is comforting and force them to grasp hold of new terrain.

I will always be thinking of everyone back here and will have them in my heart, carrying them with me always as a constant comfort and warmth during cold lonely times in this brand new place.

I have always wanted to step outside the zone, test myself with new experiences and Europe/UK has always held that allure for me but there was never a right time. There was never a time when I said to myself now is the time, now is the time to take that chance. Life always got in the way. Well now in the middle of a great career and wonderful loving relationship I have decided to take that jump because its now or never. I'm putting one foot in front of the other and hoping to god (not literallly) that it pays off. It's time to yet again see what i'm made of, is it steel or is it merely cardboard? Time will tell..

In the meantime I am determined that this time will be a period of growth for me, to re-discover who I am and re-ignite passions which have been sitting neglected for far too long. To experiment and enhance my photography, writing and dreams/plans for the future.

To take chacnes, live brightly and boldly, see the good in everything and live in the moment, to make the most of every opportunity and to not let obstacles get me down.

I'm sure I will look back on this and laugh at my ambitiousness and naivety but so be it.

A time for a new begining is just around the corner and I cant wait to take this next step, with mick's love in my heart and our hands entwined in my minds eye I am ready.

Ready for what life has to throw at me.

Wish me luck, I'm sure I'll need it.



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