My family always emphasized the gift of
giving, not the kind of giving of texting a $10 donation to Haiti, the kind of
giving where you get your hands dirty. The only way I know how to do this is to
film. So I had to find a way to get to Port au Prince. I met a medical team
based out of NJ and flew to the DR. Braving the 10-hour bus ride to the border;
the next hurdle was to get passed Haitian customs. Being with doctors we had a
truck full of medical supplies. Sadly the Haitian custom officers wanted to make
some extra money and demanded a bribe to let it us cross. Sometimes you have to
take a risk. I decided to take risk of walking into the customs office with my
camera and asking why we were unable to cross. I know this could of resulted in
my camera being seized, but it worked. As a painter paints, I film. This is the
medium I use to shine light on beauty and devastation that occurs on our planet
every day. I cannot always change peoples lives, however I can help them see
past them selves.