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Munchin in Munchen

GERMANY | Saturday, 24 November 2007 | Views [429]

Important tips for Oktoberfest in Munich:-

  1. Arrive early to secure a table as you cannot order a beer otherwise;
  2. No need to buy new lederhosen or a dirndl to get that tasteful and authentic Oktoberfest look, as you can purchase second hand costumes, hopefully industrially disinfected from last year’s frivolities;
  3. Each time you sip your beer you must shout “prost” and make eye contact with every individual with whom you cheer. Apparently, no eye contact and you’ll have bad sex…for the next 7 years.

Beer is serious business.  And Munich, in the Bavarian region of Germany, is the self acclaimed beer capital of the world, a source of great pride and an integral part of local tradition, culture and history. 

It all started as a wedding celebration for King Ludwig I in 1810 who magnanimously invited his subjects to share in his connubial bliss by hosting a horse race.  The good citizens had so much fun guzzling the free beer they decided to continue the merriment each year and the Oktoberfest legend was born.  Alas the horses galloped off into the sunset and no one really noticed, nor cared.

Big is what is important in Munich.  No quaint corner pubs, but colossal beer halls and sprawling beer gardens.  Beer is served in litre steins, and big funny hats, big pretzels and big sausages are all essential ingredients for the quintessential beer experience. 

Do not fear, however, if beer is not your thing, as Munich offers so much more than brewing and boozing.  The city itself is somewhat of a European exception as 65% of it was destroyed by bombs during WWII.  It has a slick and contemporary atmosphere and much like Adelaide’s Colonel Light, Munich’s modern city planners and architects could impress structure and order.  For example, over a quarter of residents ride bikes and the hundreds of bike paths are also a fantastic convenience for tourists.

Bavaria is also cuckoo clock land and the ultimate version is the Glockenspiel on the Town Hall tower.  It is both elaborate in decoration and performance and some even describe the show as a torturous 15 minute ordeal.  Split in three parts, with the wedding of some long forgotten royals, the dance of the coopers (barrel makers) and the celebration of the end of the Plague.  Someone, please explain the connection between Black Death and frolicking barrel makers.

Though, the ultimate torture is a visit to the nearby Dachau Concentration Camp, also known as the “Academy of Terror”.  It is a chamber of horrors and you will experience emotions worse than anything your imagination can conjure up. The souls of the persecuted are ever present and the sense of evil leaves you icily numb. Local tours also provide visits to where the Nazi Party was launched and the site of the Gestapo Headquarters. Brace yourself. 

At this point a stiff beer was necessary to restore my sanity and dull the sickening images in my mind, and for a little relief, I took a stroll through the English Garden, originally the hunting grounds of Munich’s ruling families. And, low and behold naked bodies.  I had come upon uninhibited local sunbathing city workers on a lunch break.  Imagine bumping into your boss starkers.  No thanks…well maybe if I worked for George Clooney.

So if you come to Munich, be prepared for … everything!

Tags: Misadventures


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