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Plodding Along How do you make God laugh?" Tell him your plans. Mine was to leave the comfort and familiarity of life in Australia to set up a juice bar in Croatia. yeh right. Now I gallivant the world as a governess/nanny. So many characters, so many stories, and far t


There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Germany

Munchin in Munchen

Saturday, 24 Nov 2007 | Views [428]

Important tips for Oktoberfest in Munich:- Arrive early to secure a table as you cannot order a beer otherwise; No need to buy new lederhosen or a dirndl to get that tasteful and authentic Oktoberfest look, as you can purchase second hand ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

More than mountains

Saturday, 24 Nov 2007 | Views [344]

As a recreational pop psychologist I would suggest that travel is an opportunity to abandon reality. It’s when real time is paused until you return, often begrudgingly, to the routine of life.   It’s like pretend calories when devouring chocolate ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road



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