JUST LIKE REUNION ISLAND, MARTINIQUE IS "un petit peu de" France complete with EU license plates and €uros. There is only one bird on the island that Connie needs, a rarely seen oriole, so based on our recent success rate we gave birding a pass.
"A la gauche" — directions from Milar
Fort-de-France is clean and well-organized, much like St. Denis. After scoring a couple of Diet Cokes, we located the St. Louis Cathedral without any problem. It took directions from Milar to find the Schœlcher Library, which was built for the Paris Expo in the late-19th Century and rebuilt on its current site.
In port, Fort-de-France
Water taxis travel from the harbor under the fort to various beaches around the Martinique but we decided to return to the ship. A little France goes a long way.