Tim, Becky, Omari, Andrea, Candace and us
BENDING TO GROUP PRESSURE (and flashing a smile at us) Omari stopped at the “official” African tourist store, something Connie admonished him about last time. We shared our little joke as Becky looked for gifts, Andrea inspected the goods for non-sustainable and illegal forest products and Candace worried about everything and anything.
We said our good-byes to the others at the Elephant Lodge and Omari drove us to the airport, saying “Finally, I have you to myself.” A visit with him and his family was the main reason we came, and it was better than we could have hoped for. Not only is he the owner/operator of Tanzania Inside Out, Omari and Fatima are planning to open a bakery outside of Arusha where he owns a plot of land. He also hopes to build a safari lodge and move there soon. His eldest daughter, Rehema, is majoring in tourism at the university and would like to manage it. We may have to return to see how things work out.