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One City at a Time

There She Goes

CHINA | Monday, 4 Jun 2012 | Views [720]

First time I came to Beijing was in 2007. I was only 23 then, and it was my first time out of the country without my mom. The idea of living in Beijing was so much more romantic then. Tomorrow though I head back to my own country. I find it interesting ... Read more >

White Day (and the 14th of every month)

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 14 Mar 2010 | Views [11454] | Comments [8]

Days before the 14th of February, 2010, I asked my husband if he was planning to give me anything for Valentine's Day. My husband laughed and said, "on Feb. 14, girls give guys gifts, not the other way around." I was surprised at his reaction ... Read more >

Tags: korea, korea traditions, white day

Times Square in Seoul: Woww

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 14 Mar 2010 | Views [4970]

The other day I went to biggest mall in Seoul today (according to both my husband and the Korean Tourism's official site ), the Times Square. As soon as we got there my heart started beating like crazy because hey, this is the first time in a long ... Read more >

Tags: korea, mall, seoul

Teaching in Korea VS Teaching in China

SOUTH KOREA | Friday, 5 Feb 2010 | Views [3231] | Comments [2]

I'm a Malaysian who grew up in the Philippines. I'm more Filipino than Malaysian, thanks to the fact that I've spent more than three-fourths of my life there, since my dad's a Filipino-Chinese. This mixed heritage is something I'm very proud of, and ... Read more >

Tags: teaching in korea

Learning Korea: Korean Gyms vis-a-vis Fitness First, my Philippine Gym

SOUTH KOREA | Sunday, 10 Jan 2010 | Views [3256]

The gym that the family I married into goes to is ten minutes away from my house. As soon as we left my house, my brother-in-law asked me which pair of shoes I planned to wear to the gym. When I answered him by pointing at my answer, he said, "... Read more >

Tags: gym

Gallery: Going Around Beijing

CHINA | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

I forgot that I haven't been to some historic places, so I decided to go
See all 116 photos >>

Gallery: After Yinhe...

CHINA | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

You could only imagine what happened to me and my friend next...
See all 11 photos >>

Gallery: Goodbye, Yinhe

CHINA | Monday, 18 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

My last day at Yinhe Zhongxue
See all 47 photos >>

Gallery: The Legendary

CHINA | Friday, 25 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

There are some experiences that you will never forget. This is one of mine. Thank you so much, China!
See all 15 photos >>

China's Most Wanted: A Western Face

CHINA | Monday, 3 Dec 2007 | Views [1676]

Job hunting in Beijing is not as easy as people think it is. Many Filipino parents are sending their kids to China believing that landing English-speaking jobs here are easy, especially with the unbelievable demand for English-speakers soaring through ... Read more >

Tags: tips

Olympic Fever?

CHINA | Sunday, 2 Dec 2007 | Views [554]

The Olympics is coming up. Everyone's either bought a ticket (if you haven't, then good luck finding one) or is just planning to watch it on TV...or that's what I thought. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in Beijing is excited for the upcoming ... Read more >

Tags: Just thinking out loud

The Hunt for the Foreign Girlfriend

CHINA | Friday, 30 Nov 2007 | Views [2108]

I know it's not called racism. But right now I'm not sure what it ought to be called. I went out with a Chinese boy today (friendly outing, mind you) just to chit-chat and just to learn a bit more about China. So... surprise, surprise. I learned something ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: 798

CHINA | Sunday, 25 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

Love China? Love Arts? Then THIS is seriously the PLACE TO BE.
See all 84 photos >>

The Ghost of Midnight Phonecalls

CHINA | Saturday, 24 Nov 2007 | Views [855]

It was almost 1 AM when I woke up. Save for the faint light to the far left of the room, everything else was dark. It should be---it's 1 AM, after all. But while the rest of the world sleeps on and dreams of a better tomorrow, my roommate's voice ... Read more >

Tags: Just thinking out loud