Just a quick one as I have nothing to report this morning but I did want to correct something. I got my stories a bit mixed up and when I said that I need money for a girls education I was thinking of the wrong thing. What I am actually trying to do is raise about NZ$4,000 to build a house for a family of 6 people who live on the edge of the land upon which Dad's orphanage is to be built. At the moment they are living in a squater's hutt which you can see a picture of something similar at www.oasischristianchildrenshome.com. The $4,000 would buy them land and also pay for the building of a home.
I have taken on the task of chief letter and proposal writer for the orphanage for the next few months so I am looking forward to that challenge.
Right am off to the hot pools with Mama Lilly and my step-cousins. I am still at a loss as to why you would want to be in bloody hot pools with this heat but I am willing to try anything. Sister Mila and Mama need to get some therapeutic treatment before Mama's 88th birthday party tomorrow. The old ladies are going to teach me the Ocho Ocho - a 'sexy' young person's dance in honour of the occasion. I can't wait.
Take care