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Tonielle's European Adventure "It's always better on holiday, so much better on holiday. That's why we only work when... we need the money." - Franz Ferdinand

Chillin' out in chilly London

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 20 May 2009 | Views [903] | Comments [1]

After a 13 hour flight from Kuala Lumpur, i finally arrived in London! Found my hostel very easily (especially after the KL debacle), and went straight to bed! After being awake for over 20 hours, i definitely wasn't in the party mood.

Monday, sunny Monday. I met this guy Michael from my dorm, and we went on the free walking tour they offer, around the royal part of London. Our tour guide was fantastic, telling us all these crazy stories about each monument. My favourite story was about Green Park...

It is a park near the palace, and King George 3rd (i think) would walk through this park every evening to visit one of his many mistresses. And on his way, he would pick a big bunch of flowers from the park to give to the mistress (how romantic of him... haha). The queen was so pissed off about this going on, that she eventually ordered all the flowers to be pulled up and banned all flowers in the park. So to this day, it is the only Royal park in England that doesn't have flowers!

After the tour and getting cold and wet from the random patches of rain, I started getting sick (awesome)... and just hung around the hostel, till Michael and I went and had dinner at this awesome place called Wagamama's. I'm pretty sure there is one of these in Brisbane, it was really good food. I tried Saki for the first time... not sure if I really liked it or not, but it wasn't bad, and only ended up paying 12pound (about $24) each, which is pretty good considering you can't get a main meal in Australia for less than that. Ended up at the hostel's bar, talking lots of crap for the rest of the night, had a really good time (except for the fact that I couldn't stop the "hose nose" all night!)

So yesterday I forced myself to get up and checked out the British Museum. Was pretty awesome, got to see a lot of stuff that is definitely not in any Australian museum. Lots of Roman pottery, busts, and lots of Egyptian stuff, saw my first mummy which was awesome.

Just crashed last night, and woke up at 5am this morning by one of the guys alarms going off every 10mins for over an hour... how could he not hear it??? By 6.30am, i got up and saw him awake, gave the mobile to him "is this yours?" Turns out he missed his contiki bus... bugger! haha, didn't feel sorry for him at all by that point!

Anyway, just hanging out in the common room for now, and I'm still taking it easy, but I think I'll head off to the Gallery today, stay indoors. They've got some Picasso showing at the moment which will be cool to check out - Literially, its still freezing here at the moment 14ºC during the day... its supposed to be Spring!!!

Photos here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020830&id=219300161&l=14ec182923


p.s. I've also started my "Man in every country" gallery... you can see my progress here :) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020834&id=219300161&l=de995c16aa

Tags: buckingham palace, london



Handy hint, when we travelled to Ireland the rule was never to leave your hair wet, you MUST always (summer, spring, autumn or winter) blow dry it, or you will get a cold.

Prop should of mentioned before you got a cold.

Love you lots have fun, and get well soon.

  Esther May 22, 2009 2:18 PM



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