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The Great Asian Adventure... A three month jaunt to Southeast Asia--mostly in Cambodia, with side trips to China and Vietnam

The Adventure Begins

USA | Tuesday, 18 May 2010 | Views [225]

They say that getting there is half the fun--hmmm, not so much when you are in a plane for 12 hours. But that aside (and other than Five Guys trying to kill me by putting mushrooms on my burger at the airport before I boarded makingme sick all the way ... Read more >

Gallery: Sai Gon

USA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: China Beach

USA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Hue

USA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Hanoi

USA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: SaPa

USA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Ha Long

USA | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Good bye Vietnam

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 8 Jan 2008 | Views [429]

What a trip! We went from the farthest northern point of Sapa, to the Mekong Delta and many places in between--doing exactly what I had hoped--introducing the boys to their homeland. An adventure it was and it will no doubt remain with us for many ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Cu Chi Tunnels

VIETNAM | Sunday, 6 Jan 2008 | Views [268]

I spent today in Saigon, poking around Cholon (Chinatown) and searching for a peaceful pagoda where I could spend a couple hours--unforunately "peaceful" and "Saigon" are polar opposites. While I nursed my sore body, the boys hopped ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Sighing in Sai Gon

VIETNAM | Saturday, 5 Jan 2008 | Views [387]

Today we made our way to Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City to all but those who live here. This is a huge place--with a decidedly international feel. If they weren't selling Pho on every corner, I'd swear I was in New York...Frankly, I'd pick Hanoi ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

China Beach--best seen on a Motorbike?

USA | Friday, 4 Jan 2008 | Views [351]

We arrived in the charming town of Hoi An--a nice break from the heaviness of the preceding days. As we wandered around this little town, we felt transported back in time. We walked through old town, still today closed to all but foot traffic. And ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Ravages of War

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 2 Jan 2008 | Views [364]

We hopped a train from Hue, headed to Hoi An. I was still deep in thought about being in Central Viet Nam. It was a very emotional day, as I watched the countryside go by and we passed places whose names are burned into my conciousness--Khe Sanh, Da ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

You've entered the Demilitarized Zone...

USA | Tuesday, 1 Jan 2008 | Views [321]

There is no way to visit Central Vietnam without being aware of the import of where you are. Walking through Hue yesterday we passed a poorly dressed man selling scrap metal on the street. I was stunned to see, mixed amongst his goods, these dog tags.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Peace and Pain in Hue

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 1 Jan 2008 | Views [389]

We left Hanoi today (sadly) and headed to Hue, the ancient capital of Viet Nam. We visited the ancient citadel and saw remnants of the Nguyen dynasty and then traveled out to a small pagoda on a hill overlooking the river--a place of immense calm and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

The Ethnic Minorities of Sapa

USA | Sunday, 30 Dec 2007 | Views [434]

Sapa is a gorgeous little town, filled to the brim with members of various ethnic minority tribes that live in these mountains. We spent some time talking to the Black Hmong and then traveled to a small village of the Red Zhao. Of particular fascination ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Sa Pa!

USA | Saturday, 29 Dec 2007 | Views [307]

Greetings from Sa Pa, a small town in the Chinese border province of Lao Cai! We arrived on the overnight train from Hanoi--unfortunately our guide neglected to book the more, um, upscale train. Euro style it wasn't and as we were eating breakfast, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Halong Bay

USA | Thursday, 27 Dec 2007 | Views [317]

While I stayed in Hanoi and conducted a little business, Patrick and Connor traveled to world famous Halong Bay for a little sailing.

Tags: Adventures

Christmas in Hanoi

USA | Tuesday, 25 Dec 2007 | Views [278]

After the whirlwind of the last several days, we spent a nice, relaxing Christmas in Hanoi. Dinner with friends, and for Patrick, karoke--a VN tradition! Merry Christmas everyone!

Tags: Adventures

Return to the "Homeland"

VIETNAM | Monday, 24 Dec 2007 | Views [347]

After our day in Ha Noi with Connor's family, he and Patrick traveled back to Thai Nguyen to visit the villages of their births (what Connor's family called "returning to the homeland"). Connor to Phu Lac, where the whole village turned ... Read more >

Tags: Family

Nature calls...

VIETNAM | Sunday, 23 Dec 2007 | Views [342]

Today we had the privilege to meet Connor's mother, brother, uncle and cousin. Their story is his to tell, not mine. It is a gift--one that so many adoptees will never have--to see one's roots, to gather information, to connect. From my perspective, ... Read more >

Tags: Family

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