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Chasing a Dream - Part I "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference" - Robert Frost

Trip: Amazing Africa

There are [16] stories from my trip: Amazing Africa

Cape Town

SOUTH AFRICA | Saturday, 16 Apr 2016 | Views [393]

Let me start by saying a week is not nearly enough time to spend in Cape Town, there is so much to see and do that in 6 days I was only able to get a small sample of this beautiful city and its surroundings. I spent two nights in the city center, right ... Read more >

Tags: cape town

Namibia to Cape Town

NAMIBIA | Saturday, 9 Apr 2016 | Views [430]

On the 4th day in Namibia we drove 400+ km on an unpaved desert highway, passing rugged mountains and wild horses, before arriving to the fresh coastal air of the Atlantic Ocean. Seeing the desert open into the sea was a pleasant change after a month ... Read more >

Tags: namibia, sossusvlei


NAMIBIA | Sunday, 3 Apr 2016 | Views [401]

We’ll spend 10 days traversing the whole of Namibia; I think one of the most scenic of the Southern African countries I have visited thus far, primarily for the diversity of landscapes. We entered Namibia on Tuesday, March 29th, breezing through ... Read more >

Tags: etosha national park, namibia

Botswana and Okavango Delta

BOTSWANA | Monday, 28 Mar 2016 | Views [554]

Another day, another border crossing. This time from Zambia into Botswana on a short ferry across the Zambezi river. Wealthier than most of its neighbours due to the large diamond industry, it is a beautiful sparsely populated country. The evening we ... Read more >

Tags: botswana, okavango delta

Photos: Zambia & Botswana

BOTSWANA | Monday, 28 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

Victoria Falls from Zambia side, Botswana's Chobe NP and Okavango Dela
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Photos: Zimbabwe

ZIMBABWE | Saturday, 26 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

Rhino walk and Vic Falls
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ZAMBIA | Friday, 25 Mar 2016 | Views [266]

Arrived into Livingstone, Zambia Wednesday afternoon, it was a very short drive over the border, but took several hours as we had to wait for 16 visas to be filled out by hand and pasted to our passports. That evening we had a farewell dinner and said ... Read more >

Photos: Kruger

SOUTH AFRICA | Thursday, 24 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

Joburg to Zimbabwe
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Photos: Tanzania Safari

TANZANIA | Thursday, 24 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

Safari through Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater
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Photos: Kilimanjaro

TANZANIA | Thursday, 24 Mar 2016 | Photo Gallery

Kilimanjaro via the 8 day Lemosho route
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ZIMBABWE | Wednesday, 23 Mar 2016 | Views [346]

The walking safari through Matobo NP was an amazing experience. The guides from Black Rhino Tours were fantastic and their knowledge and eco-conscious approach on safari allowed us to view these beautiful animals in their natural habitat.  They ... Read more >

Tags: victoria falls, zimbabwe

Swazi and Kruger

SWAZILAND | Sunday, 20 Mar 2016 | Views [378]

6 days into the tour and having a great time. I can’t believe a week has nearly gone by; it makes me glad I’ll be on tour for 30 days. I arrived in Joburg last Sunday and joined up with the Tucan Tour in Pretoria. I only had a few hours ... Read more >

Tags: kruger national park, swaziland

Exotic Zanzibar

TANZANIA | Saturday, 12 Mar 2016 | Views [291]

Ah Zanzibar; the name invokes the sense of something exotic, like the spices for which it is famous. Stone Town with its whitewashed buildings and narrow alleys steeped in Arabic tradition does not disappoint, and feels as if you are  stepping ... Read more >

Tags: zanzibar

Tanzania Safari

TANZANIA | Monday, 7 Mar 2016 | Views [362] | Comments [1]

Day 1: Tarangire National Park It took about 3 hrs to get to Tarangire from Arusha; along the way we picked up my Safari companion Wolf, an elderly gentleman from Germany. His spoken english was excellent, but didn’t seem to understand a ... Read more >

Tags: ngorongoro, safari, serengeti, tarangire

The Summit Gained

TANZANIA | Tuesday, 1 Mar 2016 | Views [323]

I had always wanted to climb Kilimanjaro; it seemed so quintessentially Africa, its snow capped peak rising above the serengeti plain. Since I knew I would be traveling to Africa, it was an absolute must that I make climbing Kili part of my itinerary.... Read more >

Tags: kilimanjaro

Kili or bust

TANZANIA | Monday, 22 Feb 2016 | Views [329]

Just landed this afternoon into the sweltering heat of Tanzania; after subzero temps in Iceland and rain in Paris and Brussels, sun and sweat was a welcomed change. It was much as I expected it to be: a single long runway in the middle of a desert plain.... Read more >

Tags: kilimanjaro