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A Walk In The Garden

A Walk In The Garden

Papua New Guinea | Sunday, November 16, 2014 | 5 photos

I am Tiana Reimann, 18 years and I have live in Papua New Guinea. My passion for photography has become a tool to change the way teenagers view life. I have been privileged to travel but my photographic passion lies within a mere backyard. A backyard is truly underestimated, yet it holds some of the worlds most fundamental creatures to sustain life. I have spent 4 hours under the scorching Papua sun, suffered malaria due to excessive photographing and had a whole heap of fun! After creating a Facebook page, I received a moving comment, “You have inspired me to explore my own backyard.” This is what strives me to get the best shot. Technology is taking over the outdoor childhood I used to know, and I want to change that. By starting with my backyard photography, it brings these forgotten species to life and it gives everyone the ability to take part.

Being mentored by a National Geographic photographer such as Jason will develop my skills as an amateur to generate stronger stories through my photography. In return, I would be able to practice this knowledge on a world-wide scale to ensure the great outdoors is not lost forever.

Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity!

About tiana_reimann

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