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Adventures of Chubby the Great loving the world one culture at a time

kindness - Buttercup Farms

USA | Saturday, 14 June 2014 | Views [331]

David made me cry today. 


No, nothing like that!

He cut the grass. 


Ok, maybe I should start from the beginning... 


David was abused as a child. He absorbed so much pain that at 50 years of age he still cannot communicate the same way you or I do. For many years, he lived a life trapped in rage. Then one day, David decided to be kind to himself. 


He found himself a nurturing community, learned how to accept love from other people, allowed himself to love them back, and released his past. Once a frustrated boy that got into fights with all beings living or otherwise, David is now a skillful rancher/farmer that enjoys meditation, practices yoga, and teaches pleasantly unexpected lessons on kindness. He is an irreplaceable Buttercupper. 


The grass native to these golden hills is taller than me and likes to enhance the super powers of my clumsiness. Even the younglings are talented at tricking my body into walking with my face.  David cut the grass today. The same David that has every reason to hate the world and distrust all its inhabitants was worried that I might hurt myself walking with my face. When I thanked him for this sweet gesture, he said, "You know what? Money doesn't matter when we work for our hearts." When we "work for our hearts" - when we allow ourselves to heal, to live our lives with the freedom of joy, to transition from victim to caretaker, we naturally enrich the lives of others. It is this kindness we grant ourselves that allows us to better the world around us. 


David Norris in front of his handiwork


Thank you David, for teaching us that being kind to ourselves benefits everyone. 

Tags: kindness, wwoof

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